土味情话——这种只要有爱和土,就会生根发芽的句子,近两年火出各种圈。 你知道我最爱的是什么吗?现在看这句话第一个字就知道了。 它是群众智慧的结晶,像一杯朴素爱意的浓缩,小小一口,你就能精神(尴尬)大半天。 I seem to have lost my phone number. There is something wrong with my cell phone. 这种情话,用英语说,叫做"pick up lines",有那么点儿“撩”的意思。 土味呢,翻译过来,可以说是 "hilarious"(滑稽搞笑), 或者 "cheesy"(做作尴尬、多愁善感)。 例如下面这种: Is your name "Wi-Fi"? Is that Newcastle airport we hear? Do we take a class together? 也有拐着弯抹着角夸人的。原则只有一个:给人夸上天,多土多腻都无所谓。 I'd say God bless you, They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Did the sun come out, 也有些苦情戏码供你选择:心被偷了什么的。 I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Can I follow you home? Kiss me if I'm wrong, Hey, my name's Windows 10. 还有擅自揣测对方职业的,甚至把物种都给改了的。 Are you a magician? Are you a dictionary? Is your name Google? 或者自恋型: Well, here I am. I'm learning about important dates in history. 玩语言梗: If I could rearrange the alphabet, Life without you is like a broken pencil… 全球通用的土: You must be tired, 说起土味情话的源头,绝大多数人的感受是它起源于2018年。 《第六声》曾写道: The phrase "cheesy pickup lines" combines tuwei ("countryside style" or "old-fashioned") and qinghua ("words of love"). While the term existed before 2018, it entered the popular consciousness in April thanks to the televised male pop idol competition "Idol Producer". 好,汇总一下,对于“土味情话”这个表达,我们可以说: ❶ Cheesy pick-up lines 当然啦,无论上面的情话如何cheesy、hilarious,或者cringeworthy,双语君为你英语保鲜的心不会变。 |