Last weekend is like a carnival for Harry Potter fans. 上周末,对于哈利·波特迷而言,是个值得狂欢的日子。 To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the Harry Potter books to China, a 4K restored 3D version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has been released across the mainland theaters, making China the first country in the world to screen the new version. 为庆祝“哈利·波特”系列图书引进中国20周年,《哈利·波特与魔法石》的全新4K修复3D版于8月14日在内地上映,中国是全球首个上映这一新版本的国家。 Despite it being sort of an "old film" which was first released 19 years ago, its charm has stood the test of time, making it a classic that can always offer new attractions in different times. 虽然,这是部19年前的“老片”,但经典跨越时间,历久弥新。 We have collected some interesting facts reported by foreign media, such as the industrial magazine Variety, the newspaper The Telegraph and also Vocal Media. You may be surprised to learn the film has such fascinating "secrets" you might not have known before. 本周末,我们根据外媒报道,搜集一些关于“哈利·波特”的有趣小知识。看完之后,或许你会恍然,原来这些年追过的“哈利·波特”,还有这些不知道的小秘密。 Harry's eye color Harry Potter was supposed to have green eyes like he did in the book. But actor Daniel Radcliffe has blue eyes. The producers initially attempted to give Radcliffe green contact lenses, but Radcliffe had an allergic reaction to them, so the detail was dropped. 按照原著中的描述,哈利·波特眼睛本该是绿色的。但是演员丹尼尔·雷德克里夫的眼睛却是蓝色的。电影制作方最初打算让雷德克里夫佩戴绿色的隐形眼镜,因为他对隐形镜片过敏,所以这事儿就算了。 Real owls trained for 6 months Many owls appear in the Harry Potter films. Harry's owl Hedwig is a two-foot tall snowy owl. Despite Hedwig being portrayed as female, the bird was actually male. The owls were trained by a falconer. And it took the owls six months to learn how to hold letters in their beaks. Some commenters once said they were more interested to know how the owls learned to stay awake during the day. 哈利·波特电影中有不少猫头鹰。哈利·波特自己的那只名叫海德薇,它是一只两英尺高的雪鸮。尽管原著里说它是雌性,但“演员”本鸟其实是雄性。一位驯鹰者对这些鸟儿进行训练,足足花了6个月才教会它们衔信。但也曾有好事的评论家们曾挑刺儿说,他们更感兴趣的是:“夜猫子”猫头鹰是怎么被教会在白天不犯困、精神抖擞好好拍片的。 Emma too beautiful for Hermione If J.K. Rowling had met Emma Watson before she spoke to her, she may not have been cast. The author recalled: "It was really lucky I spoke to Emma first before I met her, because I fell absolutely in love with her. She spoke to me for about 60 seconds without taking a breath and I just said to her, 'Emma, you're perfect'. When I met her, and she was this very beautiful girl, I just had to go, 'Ok, ok. It's film. Deal with it'. I'm still going to see gawky, geeky Hermione in my mind." 如果J. K.罗琳在和艾玛·沃特森在通电话前见过面,艾玛·沃特森可能不会被选上。罗琳曾回忆道:“在见到艾玛之前,我很幸运地先通过电话和她聊了几句。我完全爱上了她,她一口气跟我说了大约60秒,我就对她说:“艾玛,你很完美。”当我后来见到她的时候,却发现她竟然非常漂亮。”因为罗琳对赫敏的设想是笨拙的、书呆子气的女孩儿,眼看木已成舟,她不得不自己脑补劝自己:“这毕竟是电影。就这么着吧。” Rowling refused to play Harry's mom That's what the filmmakers once wanted. Which would be fitting, as she always considered Harry her fictional son. However, Rowling declined. She later explained: "The filmmakers did ask me to play Lily Potter in the Mirror of Erised scene in the first film, but I really am not cut out to be an actress, even one who just has to stand there and wave. I would have messed it up somehow." 片方曾想让罗琳演哈利·波特的母亲。因为这位作家一直在心中把哈利视为自己的孩子,听起来这个邀请也蛮靠谱的。但是,罗琳拒绝了。她后来的解释是:“制片人让我在第一部电影中扮演厄里斯魔镜中的莉莉·波特,但我真的不适合当演员,即使只是站在那里挥手,我也可能会搞砸的。” Rupert Grint's audition When Grint — who starred as Ron — was 10, he auditioned for the role by submitting a video of himself dressed as a female drama teacher and rapping about how much he wanted the role. The rap started off with something along the lines of, "Hello there, my name's Rupert Grint, and I hope you like this and don't think I stink." 罗恩的扮演者,鲁伯特·格林特去试镜那年是10岁。他很想得到这个角色,为此他交了一段视频。在视频中他打扮成一位女戏剧老师,唱了段rap表示他有多想要这个角色。说唱的开头是这样的:“大家好,我的名字是鲁伯特·格林特,我希望你们喜欢我,不要觉得我挺遭人厌的。”好吧……我们哪能嫌弃你呢。 As time goes by, the child actors who have been part of our best memories of youth have grown up. No matter how their looks have changed, the silver screen has captured their cutest moments. Please share with us the moments from the Harry Potter franchise that impressed you the most. 时光如梭,这些曾见证我们青春岁月的小演员们,也都长大了。无论如何,感谢大银幕留下了他们的“萌值巅峰”。欢迎分享下你和“哈利·波特”系列最美好的时光。 |