爱思英语编者按:雪莱的墓碑上镌刻着援引莎士比亚《暴风雨》中的三行诗句:“他的一切并没有消失,只是经历过海的变异,已变的丰富而神奇。” The star may dissolve, and the fountain of light May sink intoe'er ending chao's and night, Our mansions must fall and earth vanish away; But thy courage, O Erin! may never decay. 星辰尽可消逝,寂灭光源 沉沦于无底的混沌深渊, 屋宇崩塌,泥土化为灰烟, 可是,爱尔兰-你的英锐不减!
See! the wide wasting ruin extends all around, Our ancestors' dwellings lie sunk on the ground, Our foes ride in triumph throughout our domains, And our mightiest horoes streched on the plains. 看!无垠的废墟向四处蔓延, 我们祖先的基业-断壁颓垣; 敌人的铁蹄将咱领土踏遍, 最孔武的勇士-在荒野长眠。 Ah! dead is the harp which was wont to give pleasure, Ah! sunk in our sweet country's rapturous measure, But the war note is weaked, and the clangour of spears, The dread yell of Slogan yet sounds in our ears. 常予欢乐的竖琴-喑哑断弦! 可爱乡土的喜庆-韵味颓然! 战鼓虽渐息,但铿镪的刀剑 氏族战的嚣吼仍如雷耳灌。 Ah! where are the heroes! triumphant in death, Convulsed they recline on the blood-sprinkled heath, Or the yelling ghosts ride on the blast that sweeps by, And my countrymen! vengeance! incessantly cry. 英雄何在啊!功成而赴难 挣扎在血泊中,血染石楠; 呼啸的英灵驾着狂风席卷 复仇啊,同胞们!-不停地呐喊! 英语巴士网 实习生 joyeh 编辑 |