2023-12-0671.Play by ear Play就是玩的意思。可是,play by ear的意思并不是玩耳朵”。 这个词汇的来源和音乐有关系。它原来指的是那些会弹钢琴或某种乐器,但是却不会看五线谱的人。每当他们要弹奏某个曲调时,他们只能凭着上一回听到的记忆来弹。 现在play by ear...
2023-12-0681.Run of the mill 作为形容词短语使用时,run-of-the-mill的意思是平均、平凡或平庸(merely average; commonplace; mediocre),这样的用法在20世纪30年代就有所记载。 run做名词时有许多解释,不过真正能够和run-of-th...
2023-12-0691.Toothsome 曾见到这么一段话:"And if you ever get the chance to try some of those Buffalo Wing Flavored Potato Chips, you shouldn't pass up the o...
The first time
2023-12-06This is my first time to jion jinqiao ,to have a blog which is only for me to own.I believe my life will be beautiful after having it.And i really hop...
2023-12-06Icannot explain clearly why ihave beendown these two days. There is no person to force to do the work well, but i always feel that i can't do my w...
when my dawn back
2023-12-06These days are so dark,i am feeling sufficiently tired .the skin worse than before.miss my friends so much,they are my mental dependency.when can i ki...
I love you
2023-12-06Do you remember the first day we met even now?You looked abashed, hanging your headAnd turning your eyes awayWhen the white snow colors the cityLet me...
A nice day ,too.
2023-12-06Today is Sunday,I also choose to stay at home .And it's a fine day to me ,Although I miss the Festival——Red-Orange Festival of LianJia...
So free,so quick,come in my space!
2023-12-06welcome to my space!My name is Yewei Liu.Ilove life, music, language...6 years ago I have knew the website,therewas no blog at that time,but the websi...
英语“ 死”的委婉说法