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nearsighted date 近视相亲

如果要说到网络对生活的重大影响,我认为人们社交方式的改变一定要算在其中。网络似乎把很多不可能变为了可能,相隔千里的两个人可以通过网络相识,然后成为好朋友,甚至发展成为恋人。由此,曾经的blind date已经有点过时了,现在的人们都原意先视频一下,然后来个nearsighted date。不过,在小编看来,这两种都不太靠谱。As opposed to a blind date, where you have no idea what the other person looks like, a nearsighted date is one where you've seen a photo or chatted via web cam before meeting in person. This can often lead to disappointment if one person or the other has supplied misleading documentation.“近视相亲”是相对于“盲约、相亲”而言的,后者在见面前根本不知道对方长什么样,而前者则事先看过照片或者在网上视频聊过天。在近视相亲中,如果其中有一方提供了误导信息的话,那么这样的相亲方式通常都会以失望告终。For example:I went on a nearsighted date last night. The picture he emailed me must have been from before he quit the gym.我昨晚去跟一个只看过照片的人见面了。他之前发给我的照片肯定是身材保持不错的时候拍的。a
