Everyone knows a lucky so-and-so who hates the gym, eats junk food and drinks wine every night, yet somehow maintains an enviably tiny and firm figure.But some experts are warning that, in fact, there really is no such thing as a free lunch — because regardless of what your body looks like, your face will tell the truth about your bad habits. 你身边有没有这样的人,他从不去健身房,总吃垃圾食品,喜欢“一醉到天亮”,但奇怪的是,他看上去仍旧有着令人羡慕的好身材和好身体。然而,专家现在警告,事实上从来没有免费的午餐——不管你身体看上去如何,在你的脸上,坏习惯会一览无遗。 
Culprits: Over-exercising, yo-yo dieting. 元凶:运动过度,“溜溜球”式节食 PUDGY AND SAGGY 胖乎而松弛
Culprits: Alcohol, lack of exercise. 元凶:酒精,缺乏运动 SKIN 皮肤 WRINKLES 皱纹
Culprit: Not wearing sun block. 元凶:不注意防晒 PALLID COMPLEXION 脸色苍白
Culprits: Not eating your greens, being overweight. 元凶:绿色蔬菜摄取不足,超重 DARK RINGS ON THE NECK 颈部黑圈
Culprits: Sugary food. 元凶:食物中糖分过量 FLUSHED SKIN 皮肤发红
Culprits: Caffeine, lack of sunlight. 元凶:咖啡因,缺乏光照 SPOTS 斑点
Culprits: Dairy foods and Atkins-style diets. 元凶:乳制品摄入过多,低糖-高蛋白饮食 MOUTH 嘴唇 CRACKS AT SIDE OF MOUTH 嘴角干裂
Culprit: Not eating your greens. 元凶:绿色蔬菜摄入不足 SHRINKING TEETH 牙齿缩水
Culprits: Stress, fatty and spicy foods. 元凶:压力过大,脂肪和辛辣食物摄取过多 PALE, RECEDING GUMS 嘴唇发白,牙龈褪色
Culprits: Cigarettes. 元凶:抽烟 EYES 眼睛 WATERY EYES 眼睛湿润
Culprits: Too much screen time, lack of sleep. 元凶:电脑辐射,睡眠不足 DARK CIRCLES 黑眼圈
Culprits: Vegetarian diet, lack of sleep. 元凶:长期吃素,睡眠不足 RINGS AROUND THE IRIS AND LUMPS ON THE EYELID 虹膜圈,眼皮有肿块
Culprits: Fatty diet. 元凶:摄入过多脂肪 'PEARL' ON YOUR EYEBALL 眼球上有“微粒” Culprits: Not wearing sunglasses, surfing. 元凶:不戴太阳镜,冲浪 |