career veneer 职业虚景
Career veneer refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement, increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing. “职业虚景”指的是老板为你的工作描绘出的那一层薄薄的发展前景,可能会包括职业升迁、薪水增长以及更多发展机会等,这样描绘的目的是为了让你相信未来会比现在更好。 For example: I had my first year appraisal at the McDonalds today. They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year. 我今天刚拿到在麦当劳的第一个年度考评。他们去年就在向我描绘一些职业虚景。 |