college application 填报志愿
college application 填报志愿 ▷I want to help those who are not familiar with the college application process. ▷我想要帮助那些对填报志愿不太熟悉的人。 independent enrollment 自主招生 ▷From 2006, five majors of our college including software technology have started independent enrollment. ▷我院自2006年开始在包括软件技术专业在内的五个专业实行自主招生。 Double First-Class 双一流 ▷"Double-First Class" initiative aims to ultimately build a number of world class universities and disciplines by the end of 2050. ▷“双一流”倡议旨在于2050年年底建成一批世界一流大学和一流学科。 letter of admission 录取通知书 ▷How soon will I get a letter of admission from the college I have applied? ▷要过多久我会收到所申请学校的录取通知书? undergraduate education 本科教育 ▷We would pay the full cost of our children's undergraduate education. ▷我们会全额支付孩子们本科教育的花费。 |