你约别人干神马?吃饭好不?看电影咋样?给一个对方不忍 Say No 的理由吧~ 1. Would you like to go to a show with me? 你愿意和我一起去看演出吗? 2. I'd like to invite you to a show. 我想邀请你去看演出。 3. I heard that movie, Spectre, is about to hit the big screen. How about going to see the movie with me? 我听说《幽灵党》这部电影要上映了,我们一起去看这部电影怎么样? 4. I am going to check out this art opening on Saturday night. Do you want to go with me? 这周六晚上我打算去看这个艺术节的开幕式,你想和我一起去吗? 小贴士;一定要做好被拒绝的准备喔!即使你才华横溢,风流倜傥,也有可能约不到~但不管怎样,即使被拒(无论是因为神马原因),请一定要保持绅士风度,如果对方婉拒,你只需要有礼貌地回复:"No problem! Maybe another time.(没关系。下次再说吧。)" 就可以了~ |