Cigarette Etiquette 吸烟礼节
要做一个文明的吸烟者,不光要清楚各项禁烟制度,同时也要熟悉“吸烟礼节”,如果对这些“潜规则”一无所知,自顾自的大大咧咧,只怕会招来他人嫌弃和厌恶的目光。 Cigarettiquette means "Cigarette Etiquette", referring to the customary code of polite behaviour in society among smokers, with particular regard to cigarettes. Cigarettiquette就是“吸烟礼节”,指的是吸烟(尤其是吸香烟)人士之间遵循的一些礼貌行为惯例。 常见的吸烟礼节包括: - Offering a cigarette or lighter without being asked 主动向他人敬烟或提供打火机; - Passing an ashtray to a fellow smoker 把烟灰缸递给一起吸烟的人; - Properly extinguishing a cigarette to prevent a smouldering ashtray 正确地熄灭烟头,防止烟灰缸起火; - Being generous with tobacco and accessories regardless of payment offers 不论他人是否有意出钱买,香烟和打火机等物都应慷慨相赠; - Offering to pay when asking for a cigarette 在向他人要香烟的时候主动表示要出钱买; - Leaving the last cigarette for the owner of the packet 把烟盒里的最后一根香烟留给这盒烟的主人; - Respecting the lucky cigarette 对他人赠与的香烟充满敬意; - Respecting the space of non-smokers 尊重不吸烟者的无烟空间 Example: "Hey, that's my last dart, where's your Cigarettiquette?" 嘿,那是我的最后一根烟,你的吸烟礼节到哪去啦? |