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Bar Services


Key Sentences(重点句子)

274.An aperitif or some white wine?


275.A Sunrise Beer.


276.How about our special cocktail?


277.Do you serve soft drinks?


278.But how about a non-alcoholic cocktail?


279.It sounds interesting.I'll take that.


280.Let's try the draught.


281.What can I make for you tonight?


282.I'll have a Scotch.


283.Give me a Chivas Regal.

给我来一杯 Chivas Regal.

284.And how would you like your scotch,straight or on the rock?


285.Now how much do I owe you?


286.You can hold the payment of the bill until you decide to leave if you like.


287.OK,here is 45 yuan,and you can keep the change.


288.That's very kind of you.But there is no tipping in China.


Dialogue A

A:What may I offer you,ladies and gentlemen?

B:I don't know what I want.I'm not really a drinker.

A:An aperitif or some white wine?

B:Um… a Sunrise Beer.

A:I don't believe we know that one.How about our special cocktail?

B:That sounds good.How about you,Sally?

C:I don't drink at all.Do you serve soft drinks?

A:Of course,ma'am.But how about a non-alcoholic cock-tail?

C:It sounds interesting.  I'll take that.

A:  What would you like to drink,  gentleman?

D:Well,none of that stuff they're drinking, eh John?

E:No,Tom.We'll have the usual beer,I suppose?

D:Yes,I'm very thirsty.

A:Any special brand, sir?

E:What about your local brew?I hear it's good.

A:It is Five Star Beer.Bottled or draught?

B:Let's try the draught.

A:Fine.One special cocktail and one non-alcoholic cocktail for the ladies and two draught Five Star Beer.

E:Could we have some snacks?

A:Certainly,I'll get a fresh supply.

Dialogue B

Bartender:Good evening,sir! What can I make for you tonight?

Guest:I'll have a Scotch.

Bartender:We have Chivas Regal,Old Par,Johny Walker Black and Red Labels,Cutty Sark,Queen Ann. Which would you like?

Guest:Give me a Chivas Regal.

Bartender:Royal Salute or 12 years?

Guest:Royal Salute.

Bartender:One Chivas Regal Royal Salute.And How would you like your Scotch,straight or on the rock?

Guest:With iced water.

Bartender:Here you are, sir. Scotch with iced water.

Guest:Thank you.Now how much do I owe you?

Bartender:The Chivas Regal Royal Salute is 40 yuan plus10% service charge.So the total is 44 yuan.Youcan hold the payment of the bill until you decide to leave if you like.

Guest:Really?In American bars you pay drink by drink as you get it.

Bartender:But isn't that too much of trouble?

Guest:Well,yes, it is.But then it is much safer. You see,American bars can be very crowded and it is very hard to keep an eye on everyone.Besides you can never know what may happen when people drink too much.

Bartender:I see.But we've never met with any experience of a guest sneaking out on us without Paying his bill or a situation where the guest is unable to pay his bill or refuses to pay his bill.

Guest:Well,the way I see it,you've been pushing your luck and you've been lucky so far.That's all.O.K.,here is 45 yuan and you can keep the change.

Bartender:That's very kind of you, sir. But there is no tip-ping in China.And here is the change.

Guest:I'm sorry.I didn't know that.You see,I just got in town a few hours ago from Hong Kong.No tipping?That's good.But just for curiosity's sake,  how can you survive without tips?

Bartender:Just as everybody else.You see,we are paid the same monthly wage as everybody else in the hotel.

Guest:I see.The reason I was wondering whether you could make a living without taking tips is that in my country bartenders are paid a much lower basic hourly pay than people in non-tipping positions.They expect the tips from the customer to make up the difference.If they don't get enough tips they won't be able to make a living.

Bartender:And do they usually get enough tips?

Guest:Yes,they do most of the time.They generally make pretty good money.

Bartender:That's good.(seeing another guest approaching) Excuse me.

Words and Expressions

aperitif                                   n.开胃酒

cocktail                                     n.鸡尾酒

stuff                                              n.东西

brand                                     n.商标,牌子

non-alcoholic cocktail                                不含酒精的鸡尾酒

snack                                           n.小吃

Scotch                                       n.苏格兰威士忌酒

sneaking                                   a.偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的

curiosity                             n.好奇心
