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热菜(Hot Dishes)

燕窝类(Bird's Nest Soup)

1443. 冰花炖官燕 Stewed Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar

1444. 冰糖银耳燕窝 Braised Bird's Nest with White Fungus and Rock Sugar

1445. 高汤炖官燕 Stewed Bird's Nest

1446. 红胶官燕 Braised Bird's Nest and Seaweed

1447. 红烧鹿茸血燕 Braised Bird's Nest with Deer Antler

1448. 红烧蟹黄官燕 Braised Bird's Nest with Crab Roe

1449. 红烧血燕 Braised Bird's Nest

1450. 冰花炖血燕 Stewed Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar

1451. 木瓜炖官燕 Stewed Bird's Nest with Papaya

1452. 腿汁红烧官燕 Braised Bird's Nest in Ham Sauce

1453. 杏汁炖官燕 Stewed Superior Bird's Nest with Almond Juice

1454. 香橙炖官燕 Stewed Bird's Nest in Orange Sauce

1455. 雪梨官燕 Stewed Bird's Nest with Snow Pear

1456. 椰汁冰花炖官燕 Stewed Superior Bird's Nest with White Fungus and Coconut Milk

1457. 鱼籽蟹肉烩燕窝 Braised Bird's Nest with Crab Meat and Fish Roe

1458. 福寿炖燕窝 Braised Bird's Nest

1459. 一品燕窝 Best Quality Bird's Nest Soup

1460. 王府清汤官燕 Bird's Nest Soup

1461. 冰花芙蓉官燕 Stewed Bird's Nest with Egg White
