
  • 什么是下午茶?High tea, a term often confused with afternoon tea, usually takes the place of supper. During the Industrial Revolution, working class families...

  • The first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece. They paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 17...

  • 过生日的时候一般都少不了长寿面,蛋糕,礼物,还有跃舞跳动的一根根彩色蜡烛。可是,好好一个完整的蛋糕上面干吗要插那些蜡烛呢?Thousands of years ago birthdays were considered a time when the bad spirits as opposed t...

  • 在现代生活中,冰箱似乎已经是一件必备的家用电器了。炎热的夏季,冰镇的水果或冷饮绝对是多数人的最爱。可是,你知道吗?19世纪中期,冰箱真的只是装冰的箱子哦。By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered th...

  • 学代数的时候老师说一圈是360度,就这样记在脑子里了。可是,一圈为什么不能是100度或者280度呢? We delve back to arrive at a probable answer. A line of ancient peoples (Sumerians, Akkadians, and ...

  • 初学电脑打字的时候,键盘上的字母及各类符号顺序都是要储存到脑子里的东西。A和B怎么隔那么远?难道就不能按照英文字母顺序设计键盘吗?那样打字速度一定会快很多的。查阅了资料才发现,键盘字母顺序如此安排竟然是为了提高打字的效率! The Dvorak keyboard, named for its inv...

  • 有旧、有新、有借、有蓝”的婚礼习俗已经有好几百年的历史了。许多新娘在她们举行婚礼的当天都曾被问到是否已经备好了那些有旧、有新、有借、有蓝”的服饰,以穿戴它们缓缓走过教堂内的通道。穿戴这每一件服饰的传统据说各有其独特的涵义,但都能够给新婚夫妇带来吉祥和财富。你曾想过这种说法到底...

  • 世界瞩目的美国大选中,每个候选人为了当选总是想方设法地抬高自己,贬低别人。今天我们就来讲候选人之间互相攻击的三个习惯用语。1 blame gameBlame是责怪或指责的意思,game在这里是指策略或手法。Blame game是候选人把造成某些社会问题的责任推到竞选对手身上去的手法,哪怕他明明知道这...

  • Recent excavations in northern Israel have unearthed what researchers believe are the oldest intact beehives ever found. The 3,000-year-old apiary con...

  • 马蹄铁被认为会招来好运。但追溯其起源,说法不一。有的认为马蹄铁形如新月,而新月代表新生,所以是吉祥的。古爱尔兰传说耶稣出生在马厩,因此马蹄铁也具有神奇的力量。如果有人拾到马蹄铁便被认为会招来好运。我们这里要讲的则是另外一种解释。 History has shown horseshoes displa...