
  • Thousands of new words are invented each year. Most of these come from science. When scientists discover something new, if they do not have a word for...

  • The Olympic Games began in 776 B.C. in ancient Olympia. There are two mythological versions as to how they started. The first is the myth of Pelopas f...

  • The first Olympic event was the stadium race, a course of about 200m (1 stadium) which was the only event until 724 B.C., when the "diavlos"...

  • Ping-pong started as a friendly game, which was played for fun. No one knows who invented it. One story is that it started when two students at Cambri...

  • When you are in the U.S., you will find restaurants for every situation. If you're in a hurry, you may just want to grab some "junk food"...

  • 英美重要节日


    January1 New Year's Day (新年)15 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday19 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday ObservedFebruary12 Lincoln's Birt...

  • 虽然最近在国内也相当盛行吃西餐,但是在内容和形式上,随著各餐厅的经营型态而纯”、杂”不等,繁”、简”不一,十分值得一谈。 美国的西餐,和欧洲许多国家也颇有不同。如果您到美国旅游,赴家庭宴会或在餐馆吃正餐”时,请先注意下列一般原则: 1. 男...

  • 玩具是每个人一生中必不可少的,它伴随我们度过无忧无虑的童年,又在我们成年以后给予我们心灵上的慰籍和美好的回忆。近年来随着收藏热”的兴起,很多人也开始收集老玩具。那么世界上最古老的玩具在哪里呢? A carved animal figurine found buried alongside...

  • 1.red states/blue states(红州/蓝州) 共和党支持率较高的州在大选地图上用红色标示,蓝色则代表民主党 2.Two Americas(两个美国) 民主党候选人克里在大选中,指责现任总统布什的经济政策导致美国社会出现严重分化。克里说他眼里有两个美国:一个富人的美国和一个穷人的美国...

  • 1. 第一个词是cock。这个词是一开始学英语就学到的基本词汇之一,大家都知道它是公鸡”的意思,可是在美语里,最好就不要用它了,因为它的意思早就不是 公鸡”了。在俚语里面,它指的是男性生殖器。比如你要说:他有两只公鸡。”,千万不要说:He has two cock...