影视剧本:13 DAYS-9
2024-08-15The President gazes from one expectant face to another. But he himself remains unreadable. THE PRESIDENT Quarantine or air strike. Adlai clears his th...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-8
2024-08-15INT. OUTER ROOM - GEORGE BALL'S OFFICE - NIGHT EXCOM files past Bobby out of George Ball's conference room. BOBBY Bring him back. EXT. STREET ...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-7
2024-08-15SALINGER Damn it, Kenny. Goddamn it! INT. RECEPTION HALL - SHERATON-BLACKSTONE - NIGHT A big 100-dollar-a-plate dinner is in full swing to a dinner ba...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-6
2024-08-16KENNY No way. The President spins on him, unsure he heard correctly. KENNY (CONT'D) I'm not calling and cancelling on Daly. You call and canc...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-5
2024-08-25GROMYKO Mr. President, this will never be done. You need not be concerned. The President hides his fury masterfully, and gazing over his glasses, ask...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-4
2024-08-16THE PRESIDENT The thing is, Acheson's right. Talk alone won't accomplish anything. Kenny considers the President, his face straight as he says...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-3
2024-08-15Taylor nods, vindicated. The others murmur their approval. Bobby, at the table in front of Kenny and to his left, trades a dire look with Kenny. This...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-2
2024-08-04POL #1 We're putting up Potowski next time. Will you guys come out for him? KENNY Who else you got? POL #2 There's Richardson. Good kid. KEN...
影视剧本:13 DAYS-1
2024-08-04DARKNESS. As the MAIN TITLES BEGIN, the theater thrums with a subsonic HISS which mounts in all the rattling power of THX, and we... BURN IN, BRIGHT L...