
: 英语巴士网趣味英语影视英语趣味英语内容详情

影视剧本:13 DAYS-9


            The President gazes from one expectant face to another.  But

            he himself remains unreadable.

                                THE PRESIDENT

                      Quarantine or air strike.

            Adlai clears his throat.  Everyone looks over at him.  He

            stares down at his clasped hands for a beat.  He's anguished

            about what he's going to say.


                      There is a third option.  With either

                      course we undertake the risk of nuclear

                      war.  It seems to me maybe one of us in

                      here should be a coward.

            He smiles weakly, but gets no response from anyone.

                                ADLAI (CONT'D)

                      So I guess I'll be.  Our third choice is

                      to cut a deal.  We trade Guantanamo and

                      our missiles in Turkey, get them to pull

                      their missiles out.  We employ a back

                      channel, attribute the idea to U Thant.

                      U Thant then raises it at the U.N.

            Adlai looks for support around the room, but meets only stony

            gazes.  From McCone and General Taylor, contempt.  Dead

            silence for a long, long beat.

            Kenny's heart goes out to Stevenson as he watches the man

            commit political suicide.  Even Sorensen, standing behind

            him, unconsciously moves away.  At last the President speaks.

                                THE PRESIDENT

                      I don't think that's possible, Adlai.

                          (beat, to the room)

                      I will be asking the networks for air

                      time Monday night.  I have not yet made

                      my final decision.  We will announce our

                      course of action then.  I want to thank

                      you all for your advice, gentlemen.


            Kenny, Bobby, and the President lean on the railing of the

            Truman Balcony, stare out at the city.


                      Goddman Stevenson.  Jesus.  Peace at any

                      price.  You'd think nobody learned

                      anything from World War Two.

                                THE PRESIDENT

                      Somebody had to say it.  I respect Adlai

                      for having the guts to risk looking like

                      an appeaser.


                      We have to pull him.  He's not going to

                      be able to handle the Soviets in front

                      of the U.N.  Zorin will eat him alive.

                                THE PRESIDENT

                      We've got bigger problems right now.


                      We have to try the blockades.  It

                      probably won't work.  It may just be

                      delaying the inevitable.  But we can't

                      just go to war without trying not to.

                                THE PRESIDENT

                      I don't know.  I don't know.

            He stares out at the Ellipse where a little-league football

            game sweeps across the grass, the shouts and screams of the

            CHILDREN, so alive, floating to them on the wind.


            A crowded D.C. party spills out of Jim Rowe's house onto his

            patio.  Kenny steps INTO FRAME.  He looks at the PARTYGOERS,

            the Washington social set.  He stands out, oppressed by the

            knowledge he's unable to share.  He takes a stiff drink.

            Suddenly out of the house totters Adlai, highball in hand.

            Glassy-eyed, he grins at Kenny and joins him.


                      Just can't get away from you guys.

                      Escaping for a night on the town, eh?


                      As the town's most popular playboy, the

                      President felt my presence would be

                      sorely missed.  So in the interests of

                      National Security...
