
  • 占星学所用的各种符号,都有其一定的意义,在此就星座的符号作一个简单的介绍。ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)The symbol for Aries, "The Ram," suggests an upright, bold scepter of authorit...

  • 白羊座 21/03-20/04Ruling Planet of Aries: Mars金牛座 21/04-21/05Ruling Planet of Taurus: Venus双子座 22/05-21/06Ruling Planet ofGemini: Mercury巨蟹座 22/06-22/07R...

  • THE BRIGHT SIDE The Aries personality is fiery and warm, passionate and self-expressive with an urge to act - now! This is not a patient sign: everyth...

  • THE BRIGHT SIDE The Gemini personality is bright, witty and adaptable. Very little ever troubles a Gemini, or stops one talking for long - Geminis can...

  • Aries: England, Germany白羊座:英格兰、德国Taurus: Iran, Iraq, Ireland金牛座:伊朗、伊拉克、爱尔兰Gemini: Belgium, Wales双子座:比利时、威尔士Cancer: Holland, New Zealand, Scotland巨蟹座:荷...

  • A--AcceptAccept others for who they are and for the choices they've made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or acti...

  • December 2 to January 1 ........... Apple Tree(苹果树)January 2 to January 11 .............. Fir Tree(冷杉、杉木)January 12 to January 24 ............ Elm Tre...

  • 生肖”是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。生肖”也就是俗话说的属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、...

  • 俗话说,民以食为天”,饮食是我们生活中必不可少的组成部分,它也与黄道十二星座有着紧密的关系。且看一下最近各个星座都有着怎样的饮食习惯吧。 ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Always on the go and ready to rush off to the nex...

  • Horoscope星座 Aries白羊座 Taurus金牛座 Gemini双子座 Cancer巨蟹座 Leo狮子座 Virgo处女座 Libra天秤座 Scorpio天蝎座 Sagittarius射手座 Capricorn摩羯座 Aquarius水瓶座 Pisces双鱼座 Astrology占星术 ...

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