电影“无极”的台词很精彩,要想准确传神地翻译难度有多大?长春新东方教师赵晶旌神笔妙译,给学生示范“无极”翻译的精妙。同时,长春新东方考试部主管韩鹏老师,对此翻译作出了点评和赏析,希望英语学习爱好者们从中得到启示。 满神:无极里有每个人的生老病死,每个人的悲欢离合,你的也在里面。它可以给你天下最好吃的东西,最美的衣服,最强的男人的宠幸。天下的一切都是你的。但只有一个很小的条件,永远得不到别人真心的爱,就算得到了也会马上失去。你愿意吗?这是一生一世的承诺,答应了就永远不能改变,除非时间逆转,河水倒流,人死复生。 Goddess Manshen: Wuji, the most magical thing under heaven, pre-determines our destiny and imposes the anguish, pain, joyance and ecstasy of life on every single one of us, and you are no exception. Maid, let’s make a deal out of us, you will be endowed with all propitious things that others wouldn’t dreamed of like the most ambrosial food, gorgeous apparel and the infinite fondness of the mightiest lord in the world, but to have the permanent absence of the true love of a man in return. It’s a life-long commitment and you will never be able to go back on your promise unless time and river tides back. 鬼狼:昆仑,你不是天生的奴隶,带你回家的时候到了。我要带你去的,是个光明洁净的地方,那是一个我们互相信任友爱的地方。在那儿,我们可以像风一样奔跑、飞翔,你要见到的是最尊贵的雪国,你是她的孩子。我是穿黑袍的人,只有我才能跑得这么快,只有我…学会奔跑吧。只有象我这样跑,你才能见到她们。你那不是跑,是逃。只有你心里有了渴望,你才能真正学会了奔跑。渴望要你自己去找…….真正的速度是看不见的,就像风起云涌,日落月升,就像你不知道树叶什么时候变黄,婴儿什么时候长出第一颗牙来。就像你不知道什么时候才会什么时候会爱上一个人。 Snow wolf: Kunlun, no one is an inborn bondsman and neither are you. Follow me; I am the one to take you back to Snow, the most honorable and respectable kingdom, that’s where you belong, a promised land of pure brightness, brotherhood and love, a place where we are able to be emancipated runners flying on our wings once and always. I, the knight in black robe, have found not a swifter runner on earth….Be a real runner, as there’s no other way out if you crave to get back… You, a total escaper, have to be fully cognizant that an escaper is a dwarf to a runner as the latter always has unquenchable craze for life and carries his speed without any visibility. As the law of nature, like the ascent and descent of the moon and the sun, the withering of a tree, the growth of a baby, and even the blink of time that you are bewitched by a girl, is always indiscernible. Personal comment on the movie: We all have a destiny that is born to be irreversible, just as defined in Wuji, and everyone is compelled to succumb to its dominance, but that does not necessarily mean that we are destined to be pessimists and capitulate unconditionally. One cherishing love, resolution and craze for beautiful things is sure to overcome any hindrance. And try to be a brave runner, as the song of the Scorpions conveys, we have to run, as life is too short. True runners grasp every single second of life by welcoming the morning when the sun comes up the shore and enjoying the eloquence of silence as time can never turn back. So just make every single minute of life count. Meanwhile, nothing in this wild world, like fame and fortune, equals the importance of a tiny little proportion of love. Make yourself your destiny, be a true runner, and love the world by reaching out your heart. |