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Here are some extraordinary remarks from Heros, which are very useful to enrich our English expressions. So I took them down and share them with you for our mutual advancement in English learning.

Where does it come from?
This quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered. 
Why we here?  
What is the soul?
Why do we dream?
Perheps we'd better of not looking at all. 
Not delving, not yearning. 
That's not human nature.
Not the human heart.
That is not why we are here.

We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny capable of determing our own fate.
But have we truly any choice in when we rise?
Or when we fall? 
Or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction? 
Is it evolution that takes us by hand?
Does science point our way? 
Or is it god who intervenes, keeping us safe.

For all his bluster, it is the sad province of man that he cannot choose his triumph.
He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes.  
Hoping that he'll have the courage to answer.

Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betray.
It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation.
This force, evolution, is not sentimental. 
Like the earth itself, it know only the hard facts of life's struggle with death.
All you can do is hope and trust that when you've served its needs faithfully,
there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew. 

Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.
How are these happening? What are they?
Why them , not others? 
Why now? 
What does it all mean?  

When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate.  
They call it zugunruhe(迁徙兴奋) 
The pull of the soul to a far-off place.
Following a scent in the wind, star in the sky.  
The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together.
Only then can they hope to survive the cruel season to come. 

Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process.
A battle between what exists and what is yet to be born.
In the midst of these birth pains, morality loses its meaning  
The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: 
survive or perish.

They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure.  
But you are the instrument of a flawless design.
And all of life may hang in the balance.
A hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in your way. 

The earth is large.
Large enough that you think you can hide from anything.
From fate. From god.  
If only you found a place far enough away.
So you run. 

You can run far.
You can take your small precautions.  
But have you really gotten away?
Can you ever escape?
Or is the truth that you do not have the strength or cunning to hide from destiny.
But the world is not small, you are.
And fate can find you anywhere. 

We are, if anything, creatures of habit drawn to the safety and comfort of the familiar.
But what happens when the familiar becomes unsafe, when the fear that we have been desperately trying to avoid finds us where we live?
