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Miranda: The robes are called abayas and the veils that covered everything except the eyes is a niqab.

Samantha: Certainly cuts back on the botox bill.

Samantha: Women are required to dress in a way that does not tracked sexual attention. Samantha.

Samantha: We're at the hotel! It's a free zone.

Miranda: Still. Out of respect.

Carrie: I gotta say I'm deeply interested in the housewives in Abu Dhabi. What's up with that?

Miranda: Younger mother women are embracing the old traditions in new personal ways.

Carrie: I can get the raft. The veil across the mouth. It freaks me out. It's like they don't want the voice.

Samantha: You know, or hormones. I can't find one Internet hormone site that's not blocked.

Charlotte: Well at least you know your phone is working. I can't get Harry to respond any of my texts. It's just not like him.

Carrie: But you called when you arrived, right?

Charlotte: Yeah, but that was hours ago.

Carrie: French fries for the lady in the veil. How's she gonna do that? A lift for every fry. That is a major commitment for fry food.

Charlotte: What time is it in NewYork now?

Carrie: OK sweety, you gotta stop.

Charlotte: What do you mean?

Carrie: I mean you're obsessing about something that is happening 6700 miles away. And you're missing the woman with the veil eating French fries the next table. Consider this an interfriention. You have to stop obsessing about the nanny.

Charlotte: Well it's all Samantha's fault. I was perfectly happy and then she went open her big mouth.

Miranda: Maybe we should get her a niqab.

Samantha: Look, I warn you right now. Don't come down on me. With the jet lag and no hormones, who knows what kind of mood swings I'm capable of.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. abaya: 阿拉伯长袍,在迪拜及中东等地非常普及,是阿拉伯女性的传统服饰,通常为黑色、沙质。


2. niqab: 面部全遮蔽面纱,只露出两只眼睛。

3. botox: 肉毒杆菌素,可用于除皱。这句话的意思是“省下不少打肉毒杆菌的钱”。

4. obsess about something: 受某件事的困扰,也可以说很“纠结”。

比如对因减肥而苦恼不已的朋友就可以说:Don't obsess about weight.

5. interfriention: 友情干涉,友情介入。

6. big mouth: 大嘴巴,多话。

7. come down on: 批评,惩罚。

例如:If you don't behave I'll come down on you with heavy hand.(如果你不老实的话,我定会对你不客气。)

8. jet lag: 时差。来看下面的例句,学学“倒时差”怎么说吧。

When I went to Japan, I had jet lag for 2 days.(上次去日本,我倒了两天的时差。)

9. mood swing: 情绪波动,情绪起伏。

例如:Maybe, his apathy signals he is at the negative extremity of a mood swing.(或许万念俱灰只是他情绪波动的一个极端吧。)
