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Matt: So guess what. That woman at the beach today, that was his wife.

Alex: Whose wife?

Matt: Brian Speer.

Alex: What? The hottie with the hat?

Matt: Yeah.

Alex: Are you sure?

Matt: Yeah.

Alex: So he's married? Why didn't you say anything?

Matt: It's him I wanna talk to, not her. But I know where their cottage is.

Alex: You do? Let's do it right now. Let's knock on his door.

Matt: That's what I'm saying. Don't do that, don't be excited. This isn't fun.

Alex: It's what we came here to do.

Matt: Right. So you talk to his wife while I talk to him. And you figure out a way to distract Scottie and their kids.

Alex: Got it. Sid, come here.

Sid: Give him hell, boss.

Alex: Come on, Sid.

Matt: Okay. I'm sorry for sucking you into this. I should be doing it alone. It's selfish.

Alex: I'm the one who sucked you in. I'm the one who knew.

Matt: Oh.

Alex: Don't be a pussy.

Matt: Hi there. It's the guy from the beach today.

Julie: Oh, hello.

Matt: Hi, yeah. You know, I'm such an idiot. I just figured out, I do know your husband. My daughter and I were on our way back to the hotel from dinner... We just thought we'd stop by and say howdy.

Alex: Howdy?

Julie: Great, come on up.

Matt: Yeah. I'm Matt King, and this is Alexandra.

Julie: I'm Julie Speer.

Alex: Hi.

Julie: Yeah, I thought that was you. You've been in the paper so much lately. I figured you had to know Brian. He's been pretty involved.

Matt: Yeah, no, super involved. Yeah, maybe we met in passing. I don't know.

Julie: So I guess you guys are deciding really soon? In the next couple of days, right, you and your family meet?

Matt: Mm.

Julie: I'm sorry. That's probably a conflict of interest or something.

Matt: No, that's okay. You're right. It's all gonna be over in a couple of days.

Julie: Do you guys want some lasagna?

Matt: No, thanks, we just ate.

Julie: A drink then.

Matt: Sure.

Julie: Red wine, iced tea?

Matt: Perfect.

Brian: Hi.

Matt: Hey.

Brian: Hey. Hi, I'm Brian.

Matt: Brian. We may have met before. Matt King. My wife is Elizabeth King. I think you may have met her too. This is our daughter Alexandra.

Julie: I was just gonna get them some drinks.

Brian: Good, good, good.

Alex: Do you want some help?

Julie: No, no, no, I got it.

Brian: Hi.

Matt: Elizabeth is dying. Oh, wait. Fuck you. And she's dying. We unhooked her from the machines this morning. She'll be dead in a few days.

Alex: This is him?

Matt: Mm-hm.

Alex: Why would she go for him?

Matt: Beats me. Well, he's very articulate.

Brian: I'm sorry. I never thought it would come to this.

Alex: You're sorry that my mom's gonna die? You're sorry that you fucked her? You sorry you fucked her over my dad?

Brian: I'm sorry for all of it.

Matt: Look, pal, I'm not here to wreck your life. I just wanna give you a chance to go to the hospital. I don't know how long you're planning on staying here, but I'm sure you could find an excuse to leave.

Alex: You must be good at that.

Matt: You could be alone with her to say goodbye or whatever. You hear what I'm saying?

Brian: Okay, look, I can't have you here. Do you understand that?

Julie: Here we go.

Brian: Hey.

Alex: Thank you.

Julie: Everyone's so serious. Please tell me you weren't talking about business. Ha, ha.

Alex: Ah, we were talking about love.

Julie: That's nice. Honey, will you call the boys in? Dinner's ready.

Brian: Oh, they're fine. Let them play a while longer.

Boys: Come on. Catch. Hurry up. Catch it.

Alex: Awesome cottage you're renting.

Matt: Yeah, you don't say. This is prime Hanalei location. I used to come here when I was a kid, before it was a vacation property. Alex, your great-uncle Warren and Aunt Lillian built this back in the '20s. I haven't been inside in years.

Julie: Come on, we'll give you a tour.

Alex: Maybe, Brian, you could give my dad a walk down memory lane... And Julie and I can chat out here.

Matt: Oh, yeah, I'd like that, if you don't mind. Just a quick look.

Brian: Yeah. Yes. It's not like we live here or anything, but okay.

Matt: Will you hold that for me?

Alex: Mm.

Julie: Let's come here.

Alex: Have you guys traveled much?

Julie: Not much. We kind of just stay... in the area of the islands...

Brian: Here it is.

Matt: How'd you meet? I'm curious.

Brian: I can't do this.

Matt: Neither can I. How'd you meet?

Brian: I thought you said you came here just to tell me.

Matt: I changed my mind. And I can't very well ask her the details, can I? How'd you meet?

Brian: At a party.

Matt: What party?

Brian: A Super Bowl party.

Matt: At the Mitchell's.

Brian: Does that help? Does that make it better?

Matt: I'm doing you a favor here. I could go out there right now and I could fuck you up. So get a better attitude. And then what? How'd you get the nerve to ask her out? Was it about the deal? Is that when you decided she was for you?

Brian: No. It's not what you think. It just happened.

Matt: Nothing just happens.

Brian: Everything just happens.

Matt: Was she gonna leave me?

Brian: She would have. But I didn't want that. That never would've happened. I love Julie. Please don't tell her. Please. I don't know what I have done, but I am so sorry.

Matt: Did she say that she loved you? Do you love her? You don't love her. You don't love her. You were just using her to get to me.

Brian: I told you, I wasn't trying to get to you. It was an affair, an attraction. It was sex. And she got sort of carried away with the whole thing, and I guess I went with it. At least, I didn't say no to things that I should have. I love my family.

Matt: I guess it's all working out. Her lips are sealed, and you don't have to go through the trouble of dumping her.

Brian: Hey, that is so unfair. I had... I have so much respect for her. She's an amazing woman.

Matt: I have one more question for you.

Brian: Yeah?

Matt: You ever been inside my bedroom?

Brian: Once.

Matt: Oh. Wow. You could've had the decency to lie about that one.

Brian: All right, twice.

Matt: She's at Queen's Hospital if you wanna say goodbye. That is really all I came here to say. That's great. All remodeled and new appliances. Nice. Alex, I think we should get going.

Julie: Well, hey, thanks for stopping by. It was really nice to meet you both. Maybe I'll see you at the beach tomorrow.

Alex: Yeah, maybe.

Julie: Nice to meet you.

Matt: You too.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. hottie: 可人儿,辣妹。

2. Give him hell: 给他颜色看看。give somebody hell指的是“使人受罪”。

These new shoes are giving me hell.(这双新鞋穿的很不舒服。)

3. pussy: 软弱、胆小、没有男子气概的男人。也可用作对女人轻蔑的称呼。

4. lasagna: (意大利式)卤汁面条。

5. Beats me: 把我考倒了;我也不懂。

Beats me. Let's check the newspaper.(问倒我了。我们去看下报纸。)

6. articulate: 能言善辩的,伶牙俐齿的。

7. you don't say: 可不是么。

8. fuck you up: 让你吃不消。

9. nerve: 胆量。

It takes a bit of nerve to transport explosives.(运输炸药要有点胆量。)

10. get carried away: 失去理智,得意忘形。

These are early days, so don't get carried away.(然而说这些还是为时过早,因此不要得意忘形。)
