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1. I'm counting on you to head up my media campaign. 我选举的媒体宣传,都靠你了。(head up: 主持,负责)

2. I'm not a MILF, I'm not even a mum. I am a spinster, I'm a SPILF. 我不是陈年美酒,我甚至连孩子都没有。我就是个老处女,一个大龄剩女。

3. More to the point, whose is it? 但更重要的是,谁才是孩子的爸爸?

4. She's on the warpath. 她心情很不好。

5. Are there any skeletons in the closet? 有没有什么见不得人的秘密?

6. Your mother will be over the moon. 你妈妈一定会高兴死的。

7. Don't be daft. 别傻了。

8. Mark, I'm up the duff. 马克,我怀孕了。

9. You might have to sit this one out, Arinuth. 这次你最好就别跟来了,阿里纳斯。

10. Right, excellent, someone's been reading up. 没错,非常棒,看来有人花了不少工夫看书啊。

11. Don't worry. I got it covered. 别担心,这里有我呢。

12. Okay, you need to chill out. 好吧,你得放松点。

13. I will confess that the laws of attraction are somewhat beyond me. 我必须承认,你的恋爱定律超出了我的理解范围。

14. In fact, Bridget defies comprehension generally. 事实上,布里吉特这个人就让我琢磨不透。

15. It's a huge scoop. 这是个机会难得的独家新闻。
