Moana paddled through the night and into the next day. With the bright sun shining down, she repeated and rehearsed what Gramma Tala had told her to say to Maui, like a mantra. "I am Moana of Motunui, you will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti. I am Moana of—" A strange clucking noise stopped her, and she peered into the cargo hold of the boat. A coconut rose up, and the sound was loud and clear: Bagock! "Heihei?" Moana said, removing the coconut to reveal the silly rooster. Heihei took one look at the ocean and his crooked eyes went wide. He screeched and screamed as if attempting to seek help from every corner of the ocean! Moana quickly placed the coconut back over his head to silence him. She removed it, and he screeched again. She placed it back on, and he was quiet. She pulled it off once more, and he did not react at all. "It's okay, see?" said Moana. "You're all right. There we go, yeah, nice water. The ocean's a friend of mine." Heihei looked at the water and walked right off the boat! His scrawny clawed feet stuck straight up as he bobbed up and down in the sea. Moana jumped in to save him, and the boat started moving away from her. Holding on to Heihei, she swam for the boat, grabbing it before it drifted too far. Once they were back on board, Heihei tried to walk off again, so Moana put him in the cargo hold and told him to stay there. "Okay, next stop: Maui," Moana said, grabbing the oar. Then she returned to practicing her speech, figuring out exactly how to say it and which words to emphasize. "I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti." Later that night, Moana struggled, trying to keep the boat on course through strong winds. "I am Moana of Motunui," she chanted. "You will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti." It wasn't long before she became very tired, but she continued repeating her speech. "I ... am Moana ... of ... Motu ... ," she said, slurring her words. The ocean splashed her awake. "Board my boat!" she shouted, but when she looked up for the constellation, she couldn't find it. She spun around and there it was, behind her! As she tried to change directions, the wind pushed her off balance and the boat started to tip. She tried to right it, but the boat capsized, sending her into the ocean. She rose to the surface to see her food floating away—along with her oar. She decided to splash the water, trying to get its attention. "Uh, ocean ... can I get a little help?" she asked. While she waited for the ocean to respond, she tried to collect her things. Then a deep rumbling noise thundered from the sky. A storm was brewing. Giving up on her supplies, she reached for her oar and tried to right the boat. "Come on... . Help! Come on!" she begged the ocean. "Help me! PLEASE!" But the waves grew bigger and became more violent. Moana helplessly clung to the canoe as it was tossed around the rough sea like a tiny toy boat. A mountainous wave came toward her and crashed down hard. Then everything went black. When Moana opened her eyes, she found herself washed up on an island. She spit the sand from her mouth and shook herself off. Her canoe was on its side, and Heihei was standing on the mast, with a basket on his head. He stepped off, falling to the ground, his head buried in the sand and his clawed feet sticking straight up. Moana immediately felt her necklace. She was relieved to find the heart of Te Fiti still safe inside. Moana studied her boat and then walked angrily to the water's edge. "Um ... what? I said ‘help me,' and tidal-waving my boat? NOT HELPING!" she shouted, kicking her foot toward the ocean. The water retreated, causing her to fall on her rear. She took another look at her boat and then turned back to the ocean. "Fish pee in you! All day! So ... ," Moana said, pointing to the ocean. It made her feel just a tiny bit better. Heihei, with his head still stuck in the basket, pecked at a big rock. But this wasn't a regular rock. It was covered in thousands of check marks that together formed the shape of a giant fishhook! She scanned the ground and spotted oversized footprints that led to a makeshift camp. "Maui ... ?" Moana said. An ocean wave gestured toward her, giving what looked like a very human nod. She lowered her eyes sheepishly, realizing the ocean had helped get her there. But before she could apologize, she heard a noise and a giant shadow approached. Moana gasped. "Maui," she said nervously. 莫阿娜整整划了一夜的船。次日清晨,明媚的阳光洒落下来,她开始反复演练着塔拉祖母教她对毛伊说的话,就像在念咒语一样:“我是来自莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜,请上船,我要带你跨越整片大海,归还特菲提之心。我叫莫阿娜,来自……”突然一阵奇怪的咯咯声打断了她,她双眼盯着货舱。 一个椰子往上动了动,那声音随之清晰响亮起来:咯咯咯! “是憨憨吗?”莫阿娜问道,她拿开椰子,一看果真是这只傻公鸡。憨憨看了一眼大海,它那歪斜的眼睛睁得大大的。它猛地尖叫起来像是在无边的大海上寻找帮助!莫阿娜迅速将椰子塞回他头上好让它消停一会儿。她一拿开椰子,憨憨又尖叫起来。莫阿娜又把椰子放了回去,它这才安静下来。她再次拿掉椰子,憨憨这回完全没有激烈的反应了。 “没事的!看到了吗?”莫阿娜对憨憨说道,“你没事啦,现在好了,你看,海水多美啊!大海是我的好朋友。”憨憨盯着海水看,朝前迈步掉下了船!它在海里扑腾着,那双干瘦的爪子直挺挺地朝天竖了起来。 莫阿娜跳入海里去救它,船开始慢慢漂远了。抓住憨憨后,莫阿娜游向小船,在船还没漂远之前就抓住了它。他们重新回到船上后,憨憨又想离开,所以莫阿娜把它塞回货舱,命令它待在原地不动。 “好了,下一站:寻找毛伊!”莫阿娜抓着船桨说道。然后她又开始练习那段话,盘算着该怎么措辞,怎样强调重点。“我是来自莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜,请上船,我要带你跨越整片大海,归还特菲提之心。” 当天夜里晚些时候,狂风大作,莫阿娜竭尽全力让船不偏离航线。“我是来自莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜,”她有节奏地念着,“请上船,我要带你跨越整片大海,归还特菲提之心。” 不一会儿,莫阿娜就疲惫不堪了,可她仍然不停地重复着。“我……叫莫阿娜,来自……莫图……”她含糊不清地说着。海水飞溅,让她清醒了过来。“请上船!”莫阿娜大声喊着,但当她抬头仰望鱼钩座时,却找不着它了。莫阿娜赶忙转过身,原来它就在自己身后!当她努力调转船头时,狂风拉扯着她失去了平衡,船身也开始倾斜。莫阿娜努力让船保持平稳,可船还是翻了,她也掉进了海里。她挣扎着浮出海面,看到她的食物已经漂远了,随之而去的还有她的船桨。她决定拍打海水来吸引大海的注意力。“呃,大海……能帮点小忙吗?”她问道。 在等大海回应的时候,莫阿娜试着收回散落的东西。突然空中传来一阵沉闷的轰隆声,预示着暴风雨即将来临。她只好放弃那些供给品,伸手拿回船桨并努力将船扶正。 “快啊……救命啊!快点啊!”莫阿娜祈求大海道,“帮帮我吧!求您了!” 但是浪头越来越大,来势汹汹。莫阿娜只好无助地抱紧小船,但在浩瀚狂野的大海里,小船就像一艘微型玩具船那般摇摇晃晃。排山倒海的浪潮朝她翻滚而来又猛然落下,接着一切陷入漆黑。 莫阿娜睁开眼睛时,发现自己被冲到了一座小岛上。她吐出嘴里的泥沙,又掸了掸全身的泥土。她的小船在沙滩边,憨憨正站在桅杆上,头顶着个篮筐。它走下桅杆,却一下摔倒在地,头栽进沙子里,两只脚爪径直向上伸着。莫阿娜立即伸手去摸她的项链,发现特菲提之心仍安全地放在里面,她长舒了口气。 莫阿娜仔细检查了她的船,随即气愤地走到海边。“哼,你干什么呢?我求你‘帮帮我’,你就让浪潮卷翻我的船?根本没在帮忙!”她咆哮道,对着大海一顿拳打脚踢。海水连连后退,吓得莫阿娜一屁股坐到了地上。她又看了一眼船,然后扭头看向大海。 “鱼整天在你身上吃喝拉撒!你就是个……”莫阿娜指着大海骂道,这使她稍微好受些了。 憨憨在啄一块大石头,它的头仍卡在篮筐里。这可不是一块普通的石头,它的表面有成千上万的钩形符号,这些符号拼在一起构成了一个巨型鱼钩!莫阿娜细看地面,发现一连串超大脚印,通往一个临时搭建的营地。 “难道是毛伊?”莫阿娜说道。 这时一股海浪向她示意,像是在点头回应她的话。 莫阿娜这才意识到是大海一路帮助她到这儿来的,于是羞怯地垂下了双眸。但是她还没来得及道歉,就听到一阵响声,随后一个巨大的影子慢慢走近,她倒吸了一口气。 “毛伊。”她紧张地说道。 |