Later that night, Don led Mike and Sulley to their room. "And here's what you've been waitin' for, fellas — your very own Oozma Kappa bedroom!" he said, switching on the light. Mike and Sulley looked around the tiny room with bunk beds. Don smiled. "We'll let you guys get settled," he said cheerfully. "Anything you need, you just give a big holler-oony!" Sulley nodded as Don closed the door and left. Then he turned to Mike. "Are you kidding me?" he asked, convinced the Oozmas could never become Scarers. "Look, they don't have to be good. I'm going to carry the whole team," Mike replied. "Really? And who's going to carry you?" Sulley huffed. Mike was suddenly furious. "Hey, you want to go back to Can Design, you know where the door is!" Sulley shuffled his big feet. Mike was right. They were going to have to make good here. Just then, the lights went out. Sulley flicked the light switch. Nothing happened. "Great," Sulley muttered. "Guys? Anybody home?" Mike said as he and Sulley felt their way through the darkened house. A door creaked open, revealing stairs to the basement. "Um, hello?" Mike said, seeing a dim light. "Fellas?" Mike and Sulley stepped down into the basement. A single candle flickered in the center of the room. They flinched as a robed monster stepped forward from the shadows. "Do you pledge your souls to the Oozma Kappa brotherhood?" the robed figure asked solemnly. The figure's hood fell back a little, revealing a mustache. It was Don. Someone suddenly whacked Mike on the behind with a paddle. "OW!" Mike yelled. A robed two-headed monster stepped from behind them. One head said, "Do you swear to keep secret," and the second head finished, "all that you learn here?" Sulley was whacked on the behind, too. "HEY!" he shouted angrily. Squishy emerged from the shadows dressed in a black robe. "Will you take the oath of the —" he began, when the lights came on brightly. A roly-poly monster in pink hair curlers waddled down the stairs, carrying a basket of laundry. "Oh, for cryin' out loud, Mom!" Squishy said, squinting at the light. "We're doing an initiation!" "Oooh, scary!" Ms. Squibbles said. "Well, carry on. Just pretend I'm not here." Squishy looked at Mike and Sulley, embarrassed. "This is my mom's house," he explained as Ms. Squibbles loaded the washer. Squishy sighed and started again. "Do you promise to look out for your brothers, no matter what the peril?" As Squishy recited the oath, Ms. Squibbles put a pair of sneakers in the dryer and turned it on. Squishy tried to talk over the sound of the sneakers thudding louder and louder. "Will you defend Oozma Kappa, no matter how dangerous? In the face of unending pain?" Squishy yelled over the constant th-thud, th-thud of the sneakers in the dryer. "Sacrificing all that you —" Th-thud. "Oh, forget it," Squishy said, finally giving up. "You're in." The brothers of Oozma Kappa crowded around Mike and Sulley. "Look, we know we're no one's first choice for a fraternity," Don said. "So it means a lot to have you here with us." "I can't wait to start scaring with you brothers," Squishy told Mike and Sulley, hugging them awkwardly. He handed them each an Oozma Kappa baseball hat. Mike put his on. Then he looked at Sulley, who stood with the cap in his hand as if he hadn't quite made up his mind. Finally, Sulley put the tiny cap on his giant head, and the Oozmas cheered. Terri and Terry rushed over to Sulley and whacked him on the behind again. Sulley turned, grabbed the paddle, and snapped it in half. "Ahh!" Terri and Terry screamed as they scurried away. The group happily headed upstairs to the living room. "Time for a celebration!" Squishy said. "Grab the couch cushions, gentlemen, 'cause we're building a fort!" 晚些时候,老唐领着麦克和毛怪来到他们的房间。“这就是你们期盼已久的——伙计们——你们在OK会会所的独立卧室!”他一边说着,一边打开房间的灯。麦克和毛怪环顾着这个有一张上下铺床的袖珍房间。老唐笑着说:“你们俩先安顿一下,有什么需要,大喊一声就行了!” 毛怪点点头,老唐就关上房门,离开了。毛怪立刻转向麦克问道:“你是在逗我吗?”他确信OK会的成员是永远也成不了惊吓专员的。 麦克回答道:“听着,他们不需要多厉害。我会带整个团队的。” “是吗?”毛怪不屑地说,“那谁来带你呢?” 麦克被激怒了:“嘿!如果你想回去继续设计那个什么收集罐,就从这儿出去!” 毛怪摩挲着双脚。麦克说得对,他们必须成功。就在这时,屋里的灯突然灭了,毛怪重新打开了开关,但也无济于事。“这下好了。”毛怪抱怨道。 “有人吗?家里有人吗?”麦克一边喊,一边和毛怪摸黑慢慢往外走。突然,一扇门嘎吱一声开了,露出一道通往地下室的楼梯。“嗯……有人吗?”麦克说着,看见了一束微弱的灯光,“伙计们?” 麦克和毛怪顺着楼梯走进了地下室。屋里,只有一支蜡烛在房间的中央摇曳闪烁。他俩有些害怕了,这时,一个披着斗篷的怪兽从黑暗中走出来,严肃地问道:“你们愿意发誓将灵魂献给OK会吗?”说罢,他的斗篷稍稍往下滑了一点,露出一抹小胡子。原来是老唐。 突然,又有人在麦克身后用球拍狠狠打了他一下,麦克“哦”的一声大叫起来。 一个穿着斗篷的双头怪兽从他们后面走来,其中一只头问道:“你们能发誓保守秘密吗?”另一只头接着说道:“保守这里的一切秘密。” 毛怪也被人从后面狠狠地打了一下,他生气地喊道:“嘿!” 史乖宝穿着黑色斗篷从暗处走出来,问道:“你们愿意发誓……”话还没说完,灯突然亮了,一个矮胖矮胖的怪兽摇摇晃晃地从楼梯上走下来,头上戴着粉色的卷发器,手里还拿着一筐要洗的衣服。 史乖宝眯起眼看着灯光喊道:“哦,妈妈!你在搞什么!我们正在举行入会仪式呢!” “哦,好吓人呢!”史太太说道,“好吧,你们继续,就当我不在这儿。” 史乖宝尴尬地看着麦克和毛怪,解释道:“这是我妈妈的房子。”这时史太太开始往洗衣机里放衣服,史乖宝叹了口气准备重新开始:“你们能发誓无论面对任何困境,都永远守护你们的兄弟吗?” 就在史乖宝宣读誓词的时候,史太太把一双运动鞋塞进了烘干机,并打开了电源。烘干机的声音越来越响,史乖宝只能扯着嗓子说:“你们能发誓无论多么危险都守护OK会吗?哪怕遭受无休止的痛苦?”史乖宝不停地提高自己的音量,以盖过烘干机里的运动鞋那越发嘈杂的“砰砰”声:“随时准备牺牲自己所有……”又是“砰”的一声。最后,他实在忍不下去了:“哦,算了,你们入会了。” OK会的兄弟们上前围在麦克和毛怪身边。“二位,我们知道这个社团不是大家的首选,”老唐说道,“所以你们的加入对我们来说,意义非常重大。” 史乖宝笨拙地抱住麦克和毛怪说道:“我都等不及和你们一起吓人了。”他一边说,一边递给俩人各一顶OK会的棒球帽。麦克戴上帽子,看着毛怪,而毛怪却拿着帽子站在一旁,好像还没有下定决心。最终,他还是把那顶小帽子戴在了自己的大头上,OK会的成员们都开心地欢呼起来。 泰瑞和泰锐又跑到毛怪身后用球拍狠狠地打了他一下。毛怪转过身,抢过球拍,一下子就把它掰成了两半。 “哎呀呀!”泰瑞和泰锐两兄弟尖叫着跑开了。 整个团队开心地朝楼上的客厅走去。“接下来是庆祝时间!”史乖宝说道,“去多抢几个抱枕吧,兄弟们,我们待会儿要来盖堡垒喽!” |