Like father like son 有其父必有其子
Once a boy's grandfather beat his grandson for playing with fire in the courtyard. The boy's father saw this and he got worried about his son. So he took a stick and began beating himself. The grandfather was surprised and asked: "Why are you beating yourself?" "You are beating my son and I'm beating your son." The boy's father answered. 一个小孩因为玩火被爷爷打了一顿。 孩子的父亲看到后很心疼自己的儿子。因此,他拿起一根棍子开始打自己。孩子的爷爷见到后很不理解,便问道: “你为什么打你自己呢?” 孩子的父亲说:“因为你打了我儿子,所以我也要打你儿子。” |