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Your children and my children 孩子们在打架

I married a widow with six children. I had five myself by my late wife. We have been married for four years and our union had been blessed with three more. The other day my wife came in hurriedly and said, "Come into the yard. Quick! For goodness sake hurry! There is a terrible row going on." "And I said," "What is it?" "Well," she said, "your children and my children are whipping our children." 我娶了一个带着六个孩子的寡妇,我本人也有五个和亡妻生育的孩子,我们结婚已经四年,我俩的结合又为大家庭带来了三个新的成员。 不久前的一天,妻子匆匆忙忙地进来对我说:“快取院子里看看,看着老天爷的份上,赶紧去吧!院子里正闹得不可开交呢。”我问道:“怎么回事?” 妻子说:“你的孩子和我的孩子正在打着咱俩的孩子呢。”
