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令美国人糊涂的英式短语 上


1. They're chalk and cheese.

“chalk and cheese”等同于美国人说的“apples and oranges”,形容两个事物或人是完全不同的或完全无法兼容的,通常的句式为“like / as different as chalk and cheese”,例如:we'll never get on—we're like chalk and cheese。

2. Bob's your uncle!

“Bob's your uncle”据说源于 Arthur Balfour,他曾被自己的首相叔叔 Robert Cecil(昵称为Bob)任命在多个颇有声望的职位上,现用于表示很轻松就能完成某项任务。例如,Put together a couple of kitchen fitments, buy a coffee machine and Bob's your uncle.

3. I've known her for donkey's.

“Donkey's”通常是”donkey's years”的简写方式,最初可能写作 donkey's ears,指代某物长度上很长,现指很长一段时间。例如,we've been close friends for donkey's years.

4. Something for the weekend.

令人难以置信,“Something for the weekend”指避孕套,人们通常认为这是售卖避孕套的理发师向顾客推销时的委婉词语,例如”something for the weekend, sir?”

5. At Her Majesty's pleasure.

“His sharp practice cost him a term at Her Majesty's pleasure”,如果有人 at Her Majesty's pleasure,那他就是关押在英国监狱里。形成这一词组是因为君主最初拥有自由裁决是否关押某人的权利。
