爱思英语编者按:两年前,美国小女孩艾米莉和一只名叫“里什”的小猩猩结成好伙伴,那时他们还都处在刚刚会爬的婴儿阶段;如今两个小家伙重逢了,很快又变得亲密无间,再次上演了温情一幕。 艾米莉和“里什”度过了一个无比愉悦的下午:他们在一起爬树、荡秋千,艾米莉骑着自己的三轮车载上“里什”四处游逛,不时停下来相互拥抱一下…… “里什”是一只出生在美国迈阿密丛林岛上的雄性小猩猩,它在刚刚一岁的时候就被公猩猩无情地驱逐出了族群,后来被位于美国佛罗里达州的“濒危和稀有动物保护组织”(TIGERS)收留。而艾米莉今年3岁了,她和“里什”的初次见面要追溯到2008年,当时她的摄影师父亲要到保护组织给那里的动物拍照片,并带上了女儿同去。没想到,年纪相仿的两个小不点儿竟然一见如故,很快就玩到一起了。 “‘里什’喜欢和艾米莉在水池里玩,喜欢艾米莉往它的头顶上泼水,”艾米莉的母亲告诉记者说,“他们相处得如此融洽,这太不可思议了!所以当听说爸爸又要去看望‘里什’的时候,艾米莉非常兴奋。她总是谈论起‘里什’,如果你问她有哪些好朋友,她从不会忘记‘里什’。” 动物保护组织的负责人安特尔表示:“这对于 ‘里什’来说再开心不过了,它觉得与艾米莉玩耍很有趣,它度过了轻松快乐的一天。” The last time Emily Bland met Rishi the orang-utan, they were both still at the crawling stage. So when the pair were reunited two years later, there was a whole new world of play to explore. The three-year-olds spent a blissful afternoon climbing, swinging from rings and tyres, pedalling around on a plastic tricycle and sometimes pausing for a hug in scenes reminiscent of the 'I Wanna Be Like You' sequence in the Disney film of The Jungle Book. Firm friends: Rishi places a hairy arm around Emily Bland Rishi lives with his adopted family of four older orang-utans at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) in Miami, Florida. His first day of play with Emily came in 2008 when her father Barry, a photographer, had an assignment at the institute and took her along. 'Rishi loved Emily pouring water over his head in the paddling pool,' said her mother Sophie. 'Their play together was so alike it was amazing. 'When we told Emily we were going to visit Rishi again she was very excited. She has often talked about Rishi and if you ask her to name her friends, he's always included.' All the animals at the institute are allowed to roam free. Director Dr Bhagavan Antle said: 'Even though Rishi loves his orang-utan family, he is the youngest and likes to play. 'It was a wonderful day for both of them. It was fun for him to play with her but also just hugging her and enjoying a relaxing day.' Riding pillion: Rishi jumps on the back of the plastic trike. Rishi lives with his adopted family of four older orang-utans at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) in Miami, Florida更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/ Just hanging around: Rishi and Emily have a swinging time at the orang-utan's Florida home Rishi looks on bemused as Emily upends her watering can in a paddling pool