国务院新闻办公室1月10日发布《新时代的中国国际发展合作》白皮书。白皮书阐述了中国对新时代国际发展合作的看法、行动和合作展望。白皮书指出,中国国际发展合作规模稳步增长,并更多向亚洲、非洲地区最不发达国家和“一带一路”发展中国家倾斜。 China's State Council Information Office issued a white paper titled "China's International Development Cooperation in the New Era" on Jan 10. The white paper expounded on China's views on international development cooperation in the new era, the actions it has taken, and its plans for the future. China has continued a steady increase in the scale of its international development cooperation, giving high priority to the least developed countries in Asia and Africa and developing countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, it said. 我们要致力于推进合作共赢的共同开放。这次疫情告诫我们,各国是休戚与共的命运共同体,重大危机面前没有谁能够独善其身,团结合作是应对挑战的必然选择。我们要坚持合作共赢理念,信任而不是猜忌,携手而不是挥拳,协商而不是谩骂,以各国共同利益为重,推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。 We need to commit to mutual opening up that features shared benefits. COVID-19 is a stark reminder that all countries are in a community with a shared future. No one can stay immune in a major crisis. Solidarity and cooperation is the right choice to make in meeting challenges. We must uphold the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation. We need to build trust rather than second-guess each other; we need to join hands rather than throw punches at each other; and we need to consult rather than slander each other. Bearing in mind the common interests that bind us all, countries need to work together to make economic globalization more open, inclusive and balanced for the benefits of all. ——2020年11月4日,习近平在第三届中国国际进口博览会开幕式上发表主旨演讲 |