VIRGO & ARIES: The volatile Aries will upset your nervous nature, the conclusion being ill-fated and certainly not lasting. The Ram just won't put up with your put-downs. 处女-白羊:不安分的白羊座让你大伤脑筋,勉强凑在一起是不能持久的。况且,羊儿也受不了你的奚落。 VIRGO & TAURUS: You share the same high standards and, needless to say, are not the most exciting couple on earth. This is a much better connection during the last half of life. 处女-金牛:共同的对生活高标准的要求有助于促成这对组合,虽说不是最令人称道的,但绝对是可以相扶到老的一对。 VIRGO & GEMINI: Not a chance. The risky, carefree fickle Gemini sees you as a drag. Truly a miracle if the two of you do interact for any length of time. This union is best left alone unless other factors prevail in both charts. 处女-双子:并不是相称的一对。自由涣散的双子座常视你为拖累。要是你们能交流地很好,那真是出现奇迹了。如果没有什么充分的理由支持的话,最好就不必勉强了。 VIRGO & CANCER: Somewhat dull. You both tend to avoid getting involved in activities outside your own environment. This union is a critical and nagging match that results in lowered self-esteem for both of you. 处女-巨蟹:这对组合略显乏味。你们都不想脱离自己的小圈子过多地参与外界的活动。这样一个挑剔的组合只会给双方的自尊心带来伤害。 VIRGO & LEO: You will have continuous arguments concerning finances. Your critical tongue will make the Lion wander, seeking the ego-boosting that is necessary for the proud Leo's existence. 处女-狮子:你们会因经济问题争吵不休。伶牙俐齿的处女座常让狮子下不来台,这对骄傲自我的狮子座来说可不是什么好事哦。 VIRGO & VIRGO: You are quite likely to agree on most subjects. Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented. When two of you get together in this capacity. 处女-处女:你们在大多数问题上非常合拍。处女座都是勤奋、可靠并有洁癖的人。你俩会相处地很好。 VIRGO & LIBRA: Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you; however, Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. Not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts. 处女-天秤:大手大脚,做事不果断的天秤座给你带来不少的困扰。然而,对方的巨大魅力通常能吸引挑剔的你。你们的关系不大可能长久,但一旦坚持到底,绝对激情满溢。 VIRGO & SCORPIO: This is an interesting match. If the Scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will be fireworks. 处女-天蝎:这是对有趣的搭配。如果蝎子能诱使你尝试异样性趣,也许导致双方激烈的争执。 VIRGO & SAGITTARIUS: The Archer's non-committal approach to life, however, drives you up a wall. This combo works better as a passing affair. 处女-射手:缺乏责任感的射手座让你很没有安全感。只考虑短暂的相处的话,这对组合还能凑合。 VIRGO & CAPRICORN: This is an excellent union. Practicality and neatness go hand in hand for the Goat as well as for you. Fear of material loss locks you in tight for a long term union. 处女-摩羯:这是一对优秀的搭档。稳重踏实,整洁干净的山羊很对你的口味。对物质的渴求也将把你和羊儿紧紧地拴在一起。 VIRGO & AQUARIUS: This is a far more mental than physical connection. You rule the lower mind and the Water-bearer the higher mind. This is an intellectual union that is likely to be lasting. 处女-水瓶:这是一对精神享受远胜过身体享乐的搭配。你们分工协作,是可以维系很久的知识型组合。 VIRGO & PISCES: This is a polarity attraction. You are enamored by the Pisces empathetic ways, and in turn the Fish needs your practical direction. 处女-双鱼:南辕北辙的一对。你常被鱼儿的多情所吸引,同样地,鱼儿需要你正确的引导。