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Maybe you've been feeling a little bit like Sisyphus, lately: You know, like every time you roll that old boulder up to the top of the incline, it rolls right back down and you have to start all over again? Well, good news: The 1st, get ready for everything to get easier. The boulder's not so heavy. The incline's not so steep. And best of all, when you get up to the top, that boulder just doesn't roll right back down. What does that mean? It's lunchtime! So take a break, wipe your brow and rest up a bit. By the 4th and 5th, you'll have a whole new set of responsibilities on your plate (and you'll like it). The 9th, take another break. Yes, really. The more rested you are, the better things are going to go for you. The 11th and 12th you could be leading a seminar in boulder rolling -- or doing something equally instructive. Whatever it is, you've been there, and your students can sense your authority. The 17th, whether you're doing some public speaking or public singing or a boulder-rolling-techniques demonstration at the mall, you're in the public eye (and they love you!). The 21st and 22nd you run into a problem. Don't run away from it. By the 27th and 28th, things ease up ... again.
