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十二星座本周运势 07/05/14


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)

You will easily charm members of the opposite sex. Voice your opinions and contribute to the debate. Avoid any over indulgences. Do not yield to children or relatives when they really don't deserve it. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21)

Travel and communication will be lucrative for you. You may have a hidden adversary who would love to prove you wrong. Monitor your budget carefully to avoid unnecessary stress. Express your interest if you want the relationship to progress. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


GEMINI (May 22-June 21)

You will have good ideas for home improvement projects. Keep your thoughts to yourself for the time being. You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect. Don't blame others for your own stubbornness. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Visit friends or relatives who have been confirmed. Changes at home will be necessary. Now is a good time to ask for favors. Travel will promote new romantic counters. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


LEO (July 23-Aug 22)

It's time to make professional changes. You can enjoy social events and meet new potential mates; however, avoid being lavish. You will have a great day if you just say what you feel. It might be best to keep your ideas to yourself this week. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

You will be erratic and quite likely to make personal mistakes. You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations. You need to clear up some important personal documents before the end of the year. Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Be tolerant, but don't let any one take you for granted. Emotional upset may prevail on the domestic scene if you have neglected your duties or your mate. Your financial situation may be draining and it's time to make some serious changes. Use your high energy and dynamic approach to win favors from superiors. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Discover opportunities based on the inpiduals you mingle with this week. So smile! You may be tired of working for someone else. You can expect opposition from family as well as colleagues. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

You can win points if you present your ideas this week. Involvement in groups will be favorable and lead to valuable information. Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. Be very careful while in transit or while traveling in foreign countries. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan. 20)

Encourage the youngsters in your family. There are lots to be done and if you meet your deadline you'll be in your boss's good books. Colleagues may try to undermine you when talking to superiors. Be prepared to neutralize any threats. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

You could lose a good friend because of it. Your dramatic approach to life has probably gotten to your mate. You have the stamina and determination to succeed. You will enjoy interaction with others this week. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Your goals will be in reach if you direct your energy wisely. Direct your energy wisely. You will be able to contribute a great deal to organizations that you join. Be tactful if you see flaws in someone else's work. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

