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  “Heal the World”

“The world is changed. Much that once was is lost.” People begin to deeply consider a question---How far can human beings go? 世界不再是原先那样。世界千疮百孔。消耗,污染,战争,无节制的欲望,这一切将世界和我们人类本身推向危险的边缘。于是有人倡导拯救世界,有人建立起了绿色和平组织或反战组织。 同样是军校毕业的陆川拍摄了“可可西里”;冯小刚拍摄了“天下无贼”;周星弛拍摄了“功夫”。哪一部电影不是表达美好的愿望。 But a word is a mere word. “Heal” is not that easy.

 “Think about the generations and they say we want to make it a better place for our children and our children’s children. So that they know it’s a better world for them and think if they can make it a better place.”这一段儿童的对白更能打动人心。

“Heal the world. Make it a better place for you and for me and for the entire human race. There are people dying. If you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me.”

不过还好的是歌者并没有使用save。我们大家一起想一想我们中国古代文化里体现极致浪漫的意境是什么。 我个人感受那是“风花雪月”。再回到这首歌曲。作者说“Heal the world”。但如果我们依旧不懂得敬畏自然保护环境和我们自己。有一天也许是要换一个词的。那可能就是save.

        Michel Jackson is like a master of animation who is leading the famous Studio Ghibli. 有一个人同麦克·杰克逊很相近,只不过他不是用歌声而是用动画来表达这种对世界和人类本身的关注。他就是宫崎骏。宫崎骏的幽灵公主讲述的是一个发生在14世纪的残酷故事。 14世纪原是日本文化最为辉煌的年代,却也是人们的信仰从神灵转向金钱的开始,城市淹没森林和乡村,他用这样一个看似历史边缘的故事,发出了一连串的质问:人类失去了什么?还将失去什么?还能失去什么?


Like said in The Dinosaur, “None of us really know what changes, big or small, lie ahead. One thing is certain: our journey is not over. We can hope that in some small way, our time here will be remembered.”
