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sodcast 公共场合大声放音乐

To sodcast means to play music loud enough that other people can hear it, particularly in a public location. For example: to play music on a crowded bus through mobile phone speaker. Sodcasters are terrified of not being noticed, so they spray their audio wee around the place like tom cats. Sodcast就是在公共场合把音乐放得很大声、让别人都听见的行为。比如,用手机扬声器在拥挤的公交车上放音乐。做出这样行为的人,即sodcaster,很渴望得到别人的关注,所以他们像汤姆猫一样随处播撒着自己那微不足道的声音。 The term, sod+cast, is a play on the word ‘podcast’. The British slang term sod has many meanings and uses, but in this context it refers to a person who is an idiot. (Source: Wordspy) 这个词是对podcast(播客)一词的演绎。在英国俚语中,sod一词有很多意思和用法,在这里指白痴、蠢货。
