stealth shopper 隐形消费者
Stealth shopper is a person who shops secretly to avoid flaunting wealth or to hide expenses from a spouse; a person who purchases expensive items that do not look expensive. “隐形消费者”指用隐秘的方式购物,以避免炫富或者被伴侣发现的消费者;或者经常购买价格不菲、但并不引人注目的商品的消费者。 Lovers of shopping are hiding behind their computers where they can spend, spend, spend in complete privacy. The web offers the perfect opportunity for a new breed of 'stealth shoppers'. 购物狂们可以躲在电脑后面在绝对隐私的环境下买买买。网络为这些新出现的“隐形消费者”提供了绝佳的购物选择。 |