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在这部根据畅销书改编的电影《穿普拉达的魔鬼》(The Devil Wears Prada)(又译《衣冠禽兽》)中,《廊桥遗梦》的女主角摇身一变成了纽约时装界的大姐大米兰达(Miranda),在那个以时尚为圭皋的世界呼风唤雨,一言九鼎。她的助理可是个费力不讨好的活儿,一个刚从学校毕业不久,打扮还很土的年轻女孩安迪(Andy)就和它卯上——这个角色的主演你也一定不陌生:《公主日记》里那个拥有女王奶奶的灰姑娘——可是,当安迪真的能像米兰达要求的那样懂得包装自己的时候,她发现,代价有点大……

《穿普拉达的魔鬼》狠毒老板俏助理The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

In the dizzying world of New York fashion, where size zero is the new 2, six is the new 8, and a bad hair day can end a career, Runaway Magazine is the Holy Grail. Overseen with a finely manicured fist by Miranda Priestly--the most powerful woman in fashion--Runway is a fearsome gauntlet for anyone who wants to make it in the industry.

《穿普拉达的魔鬼》狠毒老板俏助理To make Runway the fashion bible of New York and therefore the world, Miranda has let nothing stand in her way--including a long line of assistants that didn't make the cut. It's a job no self-respecting person can survive, yet it's an opportunity a million young women in New York would kill for.

A stint as Miranda's assistant could blast-open the doors for recent college graduate Andy Sachs. More college drab than haute couture, she stands alone among the small army of "Clackers" on staff at Runway--superslim fashion divas clacking their stilettos down the halls of the magazine's Manhattan headquarters.

《穿普拉达的魔鬼》狠毒老板俏助理But when Andy comes in for the job, it dawns on her that making it in this industry will take more than drive and determination. And her ultimate test stands before her in head-to-toe Prada. Miranda can spin the fashion world like a basketball but has a devil of a time finding and keeping a good assistant. Andy is completely wrong for the job. But she has something the rest of them don't: she refuses to fail.

To become the perfect assistant, Andy will need to make herself over in Miranda's image. Soon, much to her boyfriend's dismay, she can talk the talk, walk the walk and never again confuse Dolce with Gabbana. But the more of life she sees through Miranda's eyes, the more she begins to grasp that Miranda's world is a fabulous but lonely one--and that sometimes great success depends on great sacrifice. But at what cost?


 manicure  v. 修剪,修指甲

 gauntlet  n. 交叉射击

 make it  (口语)成功

 cut  n. (直线等)相交,符合要求

 haute couture  n. 高级女式时装

 drab  a. 土褐色的,单调的

 stiletto  n. 小剑,钻孔锥

 come in for  v. 接受,继承

 dawn on  v. 渐渐被理解

 drive  n. 干劲

 determination  n. 决心,果断

 head-to-toe  a. 从头到脚的,彻底的

 spin  v. 纺纱,旋转

 fabulous  a. 神话般的,难以置信的
