一个不称职的单身父亲,带着小女儿从大城市回到老家。在那里,他的优越感被撼动了,对于小女儿来说,新泽西的乡下就是她的天堂…… Jersey Girl Ollie Trinke is a young New York music publicist on the fast track to fame and success, but his ideal life gets ransacked when his dearly beloved wife Gertrude dies giving birth to their daughter. Now a single parent to a newborn child, Ollie deals with the situation the best way he knows how--by avoiding it. He leaves little Gertie with his widowed father, Bart, to raise in New Jersey and throws himself deeper into his work. But Bart gets tired of playing father to his granddaughter and one fateful morning relinquishes diaper duty back to Ollie, who is about to give an important press conference. Mayhem ensues and poor Ollie is left at the podium holding a crying baby with a stinking diaper. Fast-forward seven years to the present, as Ollie has given up the NYC limelight for the Jersey Shore town of Highlands, where he is working as a street sweeper while attentively raising Gertie and sort of seeing Maya, the clerk at the local video store. When Ollie finally gets the big break he's been waiting for almost a decade--a job interview returning to the NYC publicity game--he must decide whether to uproot Gertie for a new life in Manhattan or keep it simple in Jersey. 重点词汇 publicist n. 政评作家,评论员 track n. 轨迹,足迹,途径 ransack v. 到处搜索,掠夺,洗劫 widowed a. 鳏居的 relinquish v. 放弃 diaper n. 尿布 ensue v. 跟着发生,继起 press conference n. 记者招待会 podium n. 乐队指挥台,发言席 mayhem n. 故意伤害罪,比喻倒霉事 stinking a. 臭的 limelight n. 引人注目的中心 sweeper n. 清扫夫 uproot v. 连根拔起 |