本文是经典爱情电影对白系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第一段对白,Kate离开湖边小屋,到芝加哥一家医院报到。 金黄的秋天,清冷的早晨,短发俏丽的凯特-福斯特(桑德拉-布洛克)离开伊利诺伊州美丽的湖边小屋,去繁忙的芝加哥医院工作。这是个宽敞明亮、甚至还能在房中看到湖景的地方。 当Kate驾车驶出视线,时光变换,雪白的冬天,阿历克斯-韦勒(基努-李维斯),一个天赋过人却迷失了方向的建筑师,出现在视线中。小屋对阿历克斯有着特殊的意义,这是多年未见的著名建筑师父亲的设计,早已物是人非的小屋,在阿历克斯眼里完全是无人问津的模样:布满灰尘、杂草丛生…… Kate:Hi, excuse me. Receptionist:Yeah, just a minute, okay? Fill this out for me and wait over there. Kate:No, l'm - l'm Dr. Forster. l was told to report here. Anna:You'll be covering 22 patients on rounds today, this floor and the next. Kate:Twenty-two? Anna:Quiet morning. lf you get into trouble, beep me, but don't make it a habit. The med students will help you out with scutwork. What's he doing here? l ordered an MRl, stat. Nurse:Transport said about four hours. Anna:He could be dead in four hours. Never mind. Dr. Forster, MRl. A right, two lefts, elevator to two. Okay. Follow the signs. Hustle back here for rounds. Kate:Dr. Kly-- Patient:Are you taking me somewhere? Kate:l certainly hope so, sir. How are you feeling today? Patient:Am? Am l gonna make it? Kate:Yes. Absolutely. 注释: 1. get into trouble:陷入困境 2. beep:在关于医院或医生的电影里经常出现这个词,就是医生用的急叫呼机 3. med students:这里指医院的实习生。 4. scutwork:n. 枯燥的粗活 5. MRI:Magnetic Resonance Safety Testing Services,核磁共振,一种医疗检查方法。 6. hustle:vt. 急速活动,匆忙 7. Am l gonna make it.:make it指病痛的好转。这句话是病人在问他的病能好吗。 |