351 But I went before I left home. 352 Trust me on this one. 353 [g]asps] Oh. 354 Not g]ood. 355 [thinks] All right, tiny make-up mistake, 356 but I always have wit and conversation to fall back on. 357 Thank you. 358 - Bridg]et. - Hello. 359 Derek, Horatio, Camilla. 360 - Horatio? - Yes, Horatio. 361 Horatio was just saying] he's totally ag]ainst charitable g]iving]. 362 [laug]hs] 363 - What? - Well, obviously you don't mean it. 364 Absolutely. Do you think it's helpful to g]ive a beg]g]ar fifty pence? 365 - Maybe he's just hung]ry. - Don't be so naive. 366 The people you see outside the tube every day are there by choice. 367 - End of story. - Oh, no, it's not. 368 Some people have terrible personal problems, 369 and other people mig]ht have lost their family in some trag]ic ferry disaster. 370 And some people are just plain hopeless. 371 Honestly, this is the sort of rubbish you'd expect from fat, balding] 372 Tory, Home Counties, upper-middle-class twits. 373 [music stops] 374 - [chatter resumes] - [laug]hs uneasily] 375 [violins, chatter] 376 [man] Yeah, very g]ood. Tested my resolve. 377 How did I do? 378 You seem to have made quite an impression. 379 I've put you next to Giles Benwick. 380 - Oh, I'm not sitting] next to you? - No. He's terribly nice, 381 but his wife's just run off with one of the partners. 382 He probably won't mention it, but you should know. 383 I always knew she was out of my leag]ue. 384 You see, there's the hig]h-fliers, like Annabel and Mark Darcy 385 and there's the g]org]eous g]irls, like Rebecca there 386 and there's the rest of us. 387 Like you and me, you mean? 388 Absolutely. 389 I mean, look at the state of us. 390 You and me stumbled into the VlP room by mistake 391 and it's only a matter of moments before they show us the door. 392 [pounding]] 393 My lords, ladies and g]entlemen, let the quiz beg]in. 394 [laug]hs] Oh, g]oody. I love quizzes. 395 All those years of playing] Trivial Pursuits are about to pay off. 396 Now I want to see your hands poised over those bells. Ready? 397 Here we g]o. What are something] called "customary freeholds"? 398 - [bell] - [man] Superior copyhold. 399 [speaker] Yes. 400 What is the correct g]race used in the lnner Temple |