901 [ Primal Scream: Loaded] 902 Just what is it that you want to do? 903 Such lovely colours! [g]asps] 904 We wanna get loaded And we wanna have a good time... 905 Beautiful Bridg]et! Beautiful Bridg]et! Beautiful Bridg]et! 906 Bridg]et Jones! 907 [Daniel's voice, distorted] Bridg]et Jones! 908 But, wait... 909 - [Daniel, distorted] Bridg]et Jones? - What sound is that? 910 It is Daniel Cleaver. [echoes] 911 [thinks] How unutterably beautiful he is. 912 Jones, what the hell are you doing]? 913 [Bridget] You are lovely colours. 914 - I don't wanna lose your love... - Here. 915 Here I am. 916 I think you're completely off your face. 917 - Hey. - [Bridg]et g]roans] 918 - Bloody hell. - [Bridg]et g]roans and sig]hs] 919 Oh... Oh, I'm an ang]el. 920 Oh. How lovely. 921 Glorious sand. 922 Oh. 923 I want to be naked. 924 - Naked as a baby. - Come on, then, ang]el. Up you g]et. 925 [Daniel strains] 926 - All rig]ht? - Mmm. 927 - [Daniel] How are you feeling]? - Completely embarrassed. 928 Don't be. You're charming] on drug]s. In future, just say yes. 929 Do you know, I never really understood why you wanted to g]o out with me. 930 - It seemed so unlikely. - Come on. For God's sake. 931 You're sexy. You make me laug]h. 932 At you, of course, not with you. 933 And you were,... 934 ... incidentally,... 935 ...the best shag]... 936 ...I ever had. 937 The best? 938 Aside from Simon Reade in the fifth-form locker room, yeah. 939 Suppose I said you were pretty g]ood too? 940 Pretty g]ood? 941 Was I better than Mark Darcy? 942 By the way, is it true he always says "I'm sorry, I think I'm g]oing] to come"? 943 - Who told you that? - It's common knowledg]e, isn't it? 944 Come on, Jones. Who g]ave who the hoof? 945 And why? 946 Let's just say 947 that we suffered from a fatal incompatibility. 948 I have missed you, Jones. 949 I don't suppose there's any circumstances 950 in which you would ever consider |