451 Bound to be a lot of pussy on the hoof in a crowd like this. 452 (biker #2) All swelled up with patriotic feeling... 453 and ready to be humped like a frog. 454 So, where do you figure the most pussy is at? 455 [baby crying] Las Vegas or California? 456 Hell, l don't know... 457 but if you make it between Montana and Wyoming, l'd take Wyoming-- 458 Hey! You might want to keep it down, l got two little girls here. 459 Fuck you. Asshole. 460 Probably quit giving it to his wife after his kids was born. 461 [laughing] You know what that's like. Yeah. 462 Ennis, let's move. Let's just move, okay? 463 [fireworks exploding] 464 [babies crying] 465 Now, l don't want any trouble from you. 466 You need to shut your slop-bucket mouths, you hear me? 467 You ought to listen to your old lady, then. 468 ls that right? Yeah. Move somewhere else. 469 What about it? You wanna lose about half your fucking teeth, huh? 470 Not tonight, bud. l'd sure rather not. 471 (maIe announcer) Here she comes, Iadies and gentIemen! 472 [crowd cheering] Oh, boy, Iook at her fIy! 473 This is Lureen Newsome from right here in ChiIdress, Texas! 474 Come on, foIks, she's gotta hear it, Iet's give her a big hand! 475 She's turning on two! 476 She's around three! 477 Come on, foIks! HeIp her home! 478 Come on! Come on! 479 And the time is 16 and 9! 480 Here's Cheyenne Hodson from Cody, Wyoming! 481 Come on, girI! 482 She's headed around two! 483 Is there anybody here from Wyoming? Ma'am. 484 How about it, foIks? 485 Come on, Cheyenne! 486 And her time is 17 and 2! 487 Here comes Scotty Griffiths, out of Lubbock, Texas. 488 Come on, Scotty! 489 Damn it! Let's give Scotty Griffiths a big hand, foIks. 490 Better Iuck next time, cowboy. 491 Boy, I teII you, foIks, what a heck of a way to make a Iiving! 492 Next up is an up-and-comer! 493 Jack Twist from aII the way up in Lightning FIat, Wyoming. 494 He's onboard SIeepy today! Let's hope he's not! 495 Okay! 496 There they go, foIks! And Iook at SIeepy go, boy! 497 He's broke free today, foIks! Come on, spin and spin and spin! 498 Oh, boy! Good ride, cowboy! WeII, Iet's see what the judges say! 499 I teII you, foIks, that sure Iooked Iike the winning ride to me! 500 [band playing lively country music]