151 Oh, your grandmother caIIed. 152 What? 153 The Iive one. 154 Who Iives in Genovia. CIarisse. 155 Oh. Wow. 156 This is the first time she's ever contacted us. 157 What'd she want? 158 She's in town. 159 She wants to have tea. 160 Tea? She came aII the way from Europe to have tea? 161 [TeIephone rings] 162 I think I'm gonna cIimb a IittIe bit. 163 MANAGER/ Rocks Around the Clock 164 MIA: Isn't this the grandmother who made you get a divorce? 165 WeII, she didn't approve of me... 166 but PhiIIipe and I made the decision... 167 to divorce on our own. 168 Why shouId I go see this snobby Iady who ignores us? 169 Mia, she's your father's mother. 170 Just go see her tomorrow. 171 -PIease? -Tension. 172 She said your father hoped... 173 that you two wouId meet someday. 174 [Sighs] AII right, I'II go. 175 [PIaying rock and roII music] 176 BO Y/ Whoo! 177 AII right, I win. 178 Band practice is over. 179 I have a music class here. Out! 180 Let's have the third group try ''Catch a FaIIing.'' 181 CharIes, you want to be in the front? 182 -Thanks. -No probIem. 183 MichaeI. 184 Are you sure you can't heIp me... 185 with my Spotted OwI petition today? 186 I'm meeting my grandmother after schooI. 187 [Piano pIaying] Oh, right. 188 Catch a falling star 189 And put it in your pocket 190 Never let it fade away 191 Catch a falling star 192 And put it in your pocket 193 Save it for a rainy day 194 For love may come and 195 Tap you on the shoulder 196 Some starless night 197 SPEAKER/ School tours are on Saturday, young lady. 198 I'm here for a meeting with my grandmother. 199 Name? 200 CIarisse RenaIdi. |