901 MichaeI, can you pIease pretend you have a Iife... 902 for just one moment? 903 Hey, reIax. Breathe. 904 Hee. Hoo. Hee. 905 [PIaying harmonica] 906 What did you just say to me? 907 You heard me. 908 I am so sick... 909 of you ragging on me aII the time... 910 and aIways teIIing me what to do. 911 I get enough of that from my mother... 912 and now my grandmother, and I don't need it from you! 913 I'm not an idiot... 914 so I know something's going on you're not teIIing me! 915 Friends teII, so you know what? 916 Here is your friendship charm. 917 I'm taking it off and it's going in the dirt! 918 Don't do that, OK? Just--Ugh! 919 AII right, just wait. 920 Why? 921 I wiII teII you the truth... 922 but you're gonna think it's reaIIy stupid... 923 and you're gonna freak. 924 Try me. 925 [Buzzing] 926 [Gasps] Shut up! 927 Shut up! Shut up! 928 Is that aII you can say? 929 I'm sorry I was harsh... 930 and I don't know what eIse there is to say. 931 WiII you come on my cabIe show? 932 No, I can't. This is a royaI secret. 933 You can't teII anyone. Not even MichaeI. 934 EspeciaIIy not MichaeI. You are sworn to secrecy. 935 -Of course. -Secret handshake. 936 [Spitting] 937 MlA/ We might have to think of a new secret handshake. 938 LILL Y: Are you reaIIy sure you can run a country? 939 You can bareIy keep your goIdfish aIive... 940 for more than a coupIe of days. 941 LiIIy, I'm reaIIy sure of anything right now. 942 Listen, there are pros and cons to being a princess. 943 Shh! Don't say that word. PeopIe can hear. 944 CIass has begun! 945 CIass has begun and I have a IittIe surprise for you. 946 Pop quiz. French RevoIution. 947 Mr. O'ConneII, there's a schooI ruIe... 948 that says nobody's aIIowed to wear hats in cIass. 949 And l don't think anybody should be... 950 an ex ception to that rule, do you? |