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As sweethearts and lovers these people are utterly charming, partly because of their own engaging temperament, coupled with their delight at all physical union. They are not constant in their devotion, but they make changes in the affections so tactfully that the dispossessed is not always aware of the painful operation until it is all over. 

In the weak Libra type this devotion to the senses sometimes gets the upper hand. They resort to extremes in sex, and do many things gracefully that would be obnoxious in other personalities. In men of this sign, the physical balance can totter and lean to homosexuality. Weak Libra women, physically lax, with a desire for luxury that overrules the moral stamina, sometimes become prostitutes. 

It must always be remembered that these tendencies do not appear in the positive type who, aside from a normal desire to flirt and enjoy popularity, behave throughout the life even better than other Zodiacal divisions. 

Domestically the Libra man and woman fit into the scheme of marriage. They have so much charm that they usually marry early in life. Traditionally conventional, they always preserve the home. 

Traditionally conventional, but they do seek change. They are as gracious and well bred in the home as they are in social life, but they are difficult partners to live up to. Their own behavior so nears the ideal in outward human conduct that the marriage partner has a hard time living up to it. The other partner may be a wonderful person but entirely without the Libra ability to adjust himself so smoothly to the pace of life.
