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You won't easily forget 2005, Scorpio, for a host of mostly positive reasons, and 2006 will be much the same. In fact, right from the start -- thanks to a burst of energy straight from Jupiter -- you'll be active, busy and amazingly passionate. The best part is that just about everyone (including and especially the powers that be) will be not only open to your ideas, but also eager and anxious to know what's on your mind and in your heart. For the first two months of the year, you'll be able to talk just about anyone into just about anything -- even if you've already tried and failed in the past. Keep that in mind, regardless of whether your aims are personal, platonic or professional. Basically, you'll be logically lethal until the middle of March; even then, the odder the situation, the easier it will be for you to present it to anyone and everyone as perfectly normal. Right around the solar eclipse at the end of March, you may even be able to talk someone into sponsoring a venture that will put you in charge of your own business. Needless to say, finances won't be terribly difficult for you to manage for most of 2006 -- your superiors will be practically in love with you, and even more infatuated with your work performance.

Speaking of infatuation, be careful during September and October. A 'casual' flirtation could turn into something far more serious around that time. Of course, if you're single and the feelings are mutual, forget being casual -- be intense! (It's your specialty, after all.) If you're happily attached, be even more intense. Your partner will be delighted to get closer to you, to listen to your deepest thoughts and secret emotions, and to share their own, as well.

In addition to giving of yourself, you'll want to give back in other ways toward the end of the year. If you're inclined to spoil your loved ones with material things, especially during December, think of what your mailbox may be filled with come February. Instead of objects, fill your life and the lives of everyone around you with enriching experiences. 





(Penny 编译)
