THE BRIGHT SIDE Although they often get a bad press astrologically, Scorpios have very intense personalities with hidden depths of perspicacity and a compassion which reaches out to troubled people, even though this may not always show on the surface. Being deeply emotional themselves, Scorpios understand and accept the feelings and pain that other signs often find they cannot handle. Magnetism THE DARKER SIDE Scorpios have a hidden and secretive side and are not averse to using their very deep understanding of other people for their own ends - usually directed towards gaining power. Grudges PENETRATOR 辅助阅读: 天蝎座热情、富有同情心,但表面上却不常表现出来。由于本身具有细腻的情感,所以天蝎座能够理解、接受别的星座不能体会的感受和痛苦。天蝎座还有令人难以置信的个人魅力,是忠诚的朋友或伴侣。 天蝎座不怕未知与冒险,是理想的临床医生。他们会建设性地运用他们的精湛技术。 天蝎座还有不为人知的一面,那就是他们不介意利用对他人的深透理解为自己的目的服务,通常是为了获取权力。因为天蝎座对权力、权术很着迷,而同时天蝎座是一个会将怨恨牢记心头的报复性很强的星座,有时天蝎座会发展到极其残酷的程度。 天蝎座坚定的眼神颇具穿透力,能达到其他星座无法达到的深度,但这种直觉的穿透力常被其外表掩盖,不被人察觉。 (Penny 编译) |