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THE BRIGHT SIDE  Although they often get a bad press astrologically, Scorpios have very intense personalities with hidden depths of perspicacity and a compassion which reaches out to troubled people, even though this may not always show on the surface. Being deeply emotional themselves, Scorpios understand and accept the feelings and pain that other signs often find they cannot handle.

Scorpio is not afraid to go into darkness, so this sign makes an ideal therapist, and many doctors and surgeons are Scorpios, using their incisive skills in a constructive way. Scorpios also have incredible personal magnetism and can be very loyal and devoted friends or lovers.

THE DARKER SIDE Scorpios have a hidden and secretive side and are not averse to using their very deep understanding of other people for their own ends - usually directed towards gaining power.

Indeed, Scorpio has a fascination with power, how to use it, how to master it, and how to hold it over people. At times, this can extend into extreme cruelty, for Scorpio is a vindictive, brooding sign which never forgets a grudge. Scorpio can also have an inner self-destruct button which is pushed compulsively from time to time.

The Scorpio personality has a habit of reaching the parts other signs would not wish to reach. Scorpio's steely gaze can penetrate to your very core. But their piercing intuitive powers are often hidden by an exterior that gives no clues as to their findings.






(Penny 编译)
