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Order Of The Phoenix:波特与凤凰令



With a powerful sense of rebellion, 15-year-old Harry enters his fifth year at Hogwarts and returns to confront nasty gossip, a cruel new professor, and a debilitating crush. He and his friends also learn about the mysterious Order of the Phoenix, set up to fight Lord Voldermort when he finally strikes. As more of his dire prophecy unravels, Harry struggles into yong adulthood.


Voldermort n. 伏地魔(最坏的巫师,杀死波特父母的凶手)
Hogwarts n. 霍格沃茨(魔法学校)

rebellion n. 叛逆

gossip n. 流言蜚语

nasty a. 恶意的,难应付的

debilitate v. 使虚弱,使衰弱

phoenix n. 凤凰

prophecy n. 预言,预言能力

unravel v. 阐明,解释

dire a. 可怕的,悲惨的
