Aries considers sleep too easy and makes a dare with themselves to stay up all night. 白羊座:把睡觉看做是件再容易不过的事,想尝尝通宵不睡的滋味。
Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner. 金牛座:忘了把丝制床单拿去干洗店清洗。
Gemini's twin just isn't tired. 双子座:失眠的唯一原因就是根本不累。
Cancer worries how everyone else is sleeping. 巨蟹座:老惦着其它人都睡得怎么着,反而苦了自己哦。
Leo is afraid to move around at all, fearful of what bedhead can do to their lovely mane 狮子座:害怕有人在你床边来回晃悠,也担心床头可能伤到你可爱的“鬃毛”。不可能睡得好嘛!
Virgo keeps getting up to re-tuck the sheets and fluff the pillows. 处女座:不停地起身整理床单和枕头是失眠的最大原因。
Libra can't quite decide what to wear tomorrow. 天秤座:哎,你还没想好明天该穿什么呢,怎么能睡得着呢?
Scorpio is doing something else entirely. 天蝎座:你要能失眠,估计该另当别论了。
Sagittarius can't stop thinking of all the better things they could be doing other than sleeping. 射手座:满脑子里尽想着特美好的事,除了睡觉。
Capricorn already took a strategically planned power nap. 摩羯座:善于计划的你,通常在白天就不时小憩一下,这样一来,晚上当然睡不香了。
Aquarius suffers from a chat room addiction that keeps them up until all hours. 水瓶座:通宵聊天,半夜三更才肯爬上床,不失眠才怪呢。
Pisces has fitful dreams of past lives. 双鱼座:可怜的鱼儿做梦的时间太长了,影响了睡眠质量。