爱思英语编者按:在茫茫人海之中,谁才是你要寻找的真爱?一直以来,我们总是习惯往前寻找,却忘记了停下脚步,回头望望那些依旧萦绕在心头,挥之不去的那个人。 12星座去哪里寻找真爱? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) It can be hard for you to let down your guard, Capricorn. You're most relaxed when applying yourself to some engrossing task. Taking a cooking class could put you in the path of romance. If you're not adept at household tasks, take a "do-it-yourself" course at your local hardware store. In the event you are good with your hands, you may want to teach such a class at a community center. Keep your eyes peeled for cute students! 摩羯:你很难放下戒心认真去谈一场恋爱。当你接受了某项任务时,你才会表现地非常放松。不如让一堂烹饪课为你开辟一条爱的道路。如果你不善于做家务,可以在五金店里自己琢磨琢磨。一旦你找到了窍门,会很乐意在自己的社区大开课堂。那就多关注一下你可爱的学生吧! AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Although you have no problem making friends from all walks of life, it can be something of a challenge for you to find romance. Perhaps that's because you're not really the hearts-and-flowers type. You may not realize this, but you are at your sexiest when expressing your creative side. Taking up painting, dancing or singing will draw many admiring glances your way. Joining an amateur theater group could also result in some hot dates. 水瓶:尽管你能很轻松地交到许多朋友,但想找到真爱也非易事。也许正是因为你太花心了吧。你可能还未意识到这一点,但确实只有在你充分展示自己的创意天赋时才是最性感的。绘画、跳舞或唱歌都能让你吸引很多注意。参加某个业余戏剧社团很有可能为你赢来浪漫的约会。 PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) As a general rule, you have no trouble attracting romance, Pisces. It's just a matter of putting up your psychic antennae. You're one of the few people who could have luck embarking on an office romance. You could also meet someone interesting at yoga class -- don't hesitate to ask a cute-looking instructor for help while executing the Fish pose! 双鱼:一般来说,鱼儿能很轻松地书写浪漫。不过有时会出现些小的精神问题。你也是少有的会制造办公室恋情的人。另外,一同上瑜珈课的同学可能对你有意,不妨在老师的指导下多摆几个“鱼儿“姿势,这绝对是俘获对方的必杀技。 ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You Rams are notoriously impatient, especially when it comes to romance. Cut to the chase by venturing out of familiar territory. Concert halls, theaters and museums are all good places for you to find love. Aries could also meet someone special at an art class or dance club. A little dose of culture will definitely go a long way! If you're the athletic type, try jogging on a popular beach or trail or taking a hot-box yoga class. 白羊:羊儿是有名的最没耐心的主儿,尤其是在感情上。不如选择些熟悉的地点向对方展开“攻势”:音乐厅、电影院和博物馆绝对是求爱的理想地点。你还有可能在舞会上结识特别的异性,要知道浪漫的文化氛围对增进感情是大有裨益的。如果你是运动型的,不妨将附近有名的海滩或是练习瑜珈的健身房作为“涉猎”的地点。 TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21) As a Bull, you probably have a few favorite places that you like to frequent. The best way to find love in your preferred hangout is to show off your Taurus style.Offer to share your dessert with a sexy diner at your favorite restaurant. Compliment a vendor's apples on your next trip to the farmer's market. The longer a Taurus keeps somebody talking, the more heavily they'll fall under your spell. 金牛:对你而言,会有几个经常光顾的恋爱场所。保证恋爱成功的最有效方法就是要竭尽全力展示你金牛座的风采:可以在自己最钟意的饭店与对方共进晚餐;还可以恭维一下卖苹果的商贩。无论如何,只要你和对方聊的越久,他们会很快成为你的爱情俘掳。 GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Twins like you have no problem making friends, but it's a different story when it comes to making a serious love connection. Fortunately, finding romance can be as simple as getting a dog. Taking a long-distance trip can also bring Gemini luck in the romance department. That's probably because it's much easier for you to get personal when you're away from familiar surroundings. 双子:结交朋友对你不是问题,不过要想谈一场精彩的恋爱情况又不一样了。幸运的是,你发现谈恋爱就和养小狗一样简单。一次长途旅行就有可能让你找到真爱。因为当你远离熟悉的环境时,善于交际的特点就更加突显出来了。 CANCER (June 22 - July 22) You have to admit, Cancer, that your chances for meeting someone special are considerably hindered if you spend most of your time at home! How about inviting friends over for dinner, with the stipulation that every guest brings a cute single friend? If all else fails, head for the water. Being a Moon Child, you are strongly influenced by the tides, making your chances for meeting someone at a lakeside resort or ocean retreat very strong indeed. 巨蟹:你必须要承认的是,如果花大部分的时间待在家里,那么接触异性的机会将会相当有限。不如邀请些朋友来家里做客,顺便叫他们带上单身的朋友。如果这样做也不奏效的话,只能借助“水”的力量了。作为月亮之子,你经常会受到潮汐的影响,那么你可以去湖边或海边寻找一些恋爱机会。 LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) There's no denying that you draw admiring glances wherever you go, Leo. The problem is that most people are awestruck by your fabulousness. A good way to become more approachable is by joining a volunteer organization. Becoming a member of an athletic team could also prove lucky for you, as your competitive streak is incredibly sexy. If you're looking for a more intellectual partner, seek out a book club or political discussion group. 狮子:毫无疑问,你走到哪里都会受到众人瞩目的礼遇。问题是大多数人对你只是肃然起敬。要想变得更加平易近人,最好是参加一些志愿活动。成为某个运动队中的一员无疑会让你大放异彩。如果你想寻觅一个更聪明的伴侣,不妨去书吧或政治社团看看。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) Don't be afraid to show your true sexy colors, Virgo, especially if it means making a love connection. Attend a poetry slam, visit a photography exhibit or head out to a dance party. Just drinking in the atmosphere will soften your reserve, making you much more approachable in the lobby or during intermission. If your house of worship or yoga studio hosts weekend retreats, it might be worth your while to go. 处女:大胆展示你真实的一面吧,尤其是爱情面前。参加诗社、欣赏画展或是出席舞会都是你大显身手的好机会。在这些场合要是再有些酒精的刺激,你一定会冲破矜持,变得更加亲切可爱了。如果哪家举行周末派对,千万要去走一遭哦。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) You've always got romance on the brain, Libra. The problem is you have a hard time choosing among your many suitors. You'd be wise to seek out somebody who shares your appreciation for the finer things in life. Wine tastings, art galleries and vacation resorts are sure to put you in contact with folks who share your excellent taste. You should also make it a point to check out the newest clubs and restaurants, since such spots are magnets for motivated singles. 天秤:秤子一直沉迷在爱情中。问题是在众多的侯选者当中,你很难作出选择。不过聪明的你誓要找到一个愿与自己共同分享人生的终生伴侣。葡萄酒厂,艺术画廊和度假胜地将为你提供这样的机会。你还可以选择像俱乐部或餐厅作为狩猎的场所,因为这些地方通常对单身男女最具吸引力。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You Scorpions are rather secretive about your likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, your desire for privacy can hinder your romantic prospects. It's hard to make a love connection when people can't figure out what makes you tick. Advertise your love of sensual pleasure by hanging out at all the expected places -- fancy wine bars, swanky hotels and luxury spas. This is a great way to meet a suitor who will be ready, willing and able to satisfy your sensual needs. 天蝎:蝎子是如此的神秘,你的喜好很难被别人洞悉。不幸的是,这样的特点也影响了你的爱情前景。当别人不知道你需要什么时,很难与你交朋友。不如多光顾些酒吧、饭店和温泉中心这样的场所。它们是最有效的让对方迅速了解你的地方。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) No wonder it's so difficult for you to find a mate, Sagittarius. You can't stand still! Your best bet for finding love is to join an Internet dating site. Posting a funny profile is sure to net some exciting responses. You might also ask one of your numerous friends to set you up on a blind date. Or sign up for a group adventure -- like a ski vacation or rafting trip -- where you don't know anyone. 射手:难怪你很难找到对象,因为你一刻也闲不住。最好去互联网上碰碰运气,参加一些网络交友。新鲜有趣的个性介绍一定会让你网罗众多异性。当然,你还可以通过朋友介绍进行约会。加入团队冒险活动也失为一个好办法,滑雪或飘流这样的活动都有可能给你制造机会的。 |