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在9月27号,有一部表现黑人生活的大片《The Last King of Scotland》即将上演,光预告片就非常有震撼力。乌干达总统Amin对苏格兰有一种特殊的情结,所以自封“苏格兰的末代皇帝”。Garrigan是一名苏格兰医生,上世纪70年代在参加医疗慰问团访问乌干达的时候,成为总统的私人医生,也促成了Amin总统的残暴野性。Garrigan后来觉醒,试图弥补自己造成的恶果退出乌干达,然而,恐惧和出卖就此伴随着他。这是根据Giles Foden的同名小说改编,为了能在乌干达拍摄乌干达的故事,费劲了周折,就像乌干达大腕Abbey Mukiibi说的那样——我们只是要向世界证明我们能演。先让我们带你先领略一下故事的情节和花絮。

Amin gave the title 'Last King of Scotland' to himself The Ugandan film industry has been given a great boost by the decision to make the film of Giles Foden's book The Last King Of Scotland in the country, its actors have said. The film, which centres on the life of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, is currently in production in Kampala. While it stars big-name Hollywood actors Gillian Anderson and Forest Whittaker, it also features a number of Uganda's top actors - such as Abbey Mukiibi, who plays Masanga, Idi Amin's right-hand man.

 "We needed something to show the world we can act," Mukiibi told BBC World Service's The Ticket programme. "We saw this as a break for us Ugandan artists to go out onto the international scene and prove we can do it. "We're also proud to be part of our history, proud to be doing something for the good of our nation, proud to be part of a cast featuring alongside international Hollywood stars. "But the biggest thing was that we wanted to prove a point to people - that movies can be done be in Uganda."

Choosing Uganda The "Last King" of the title is Amin, who had an abiding interest in Scotland.  The story is told through the eyes of fictional character Nicholas Garrigan, Amin's personal physician, who took the job after Amin was involved in a minor freak car accident. Garrigan is played by James McAvoy. Charles Mulekwa, who is consultant to director Kevin MacDonald on cultural issues, explained that Garrigan is a man who "has no idea where to stop. "It's the story of life... he's climbing up the ladder on the back of a man who's becoming steadily problematic, steadily deranged."

"I met the producer four years ago, and they were saying: 'Maybe Uganda - but most likely South Africa'. "Logistically South Africa would have been much better for them - South Africa is way ahead of us in terms of filming and so on. But I kept arguing with them." He explained that the decision was good economics for the country, and an opportunity for the artists involved. The film would also show the wider world that Uganda has had "a difficult history - but we've moved on." 'Incredible' Whitaker For those involved in the film who lived under Amin, such as Mukiibi, the film has had the potential to bring up unhappy memories of life under the dictator.

But he said that as an actor, it was important to "put your emotions aside and do your job. Gillian Anderson appears in the film as Sara Zach "Unfortunately, there were some things that you would feel conflicting - but Charles has taken care of that, and taken care of the Ugandan interests." "We Africans are proud of being Africans - we want a good image of ourselves, and we are going to fight for that image," he said. "Even if you're going to show the negative, let it at least be factual - and not stereotypical, not assumed."

Notedictator n. 独裁者            cast n. 演员,演员表        
abiding adj. 持久的      fictional adj 虚构的       freak adj. 异常的 
deranged  adj. 疯狂的   stereotypical adj. 顽固的,老一套的       
